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Olivia's P.O.V.

I looked up having expected the blade that had meant to come down on my neck but never did. I saw him. Ace! It was Ace. He had come. I knew he would & I am beyond relieved. A blonde haired blue eyes woman in a green body suit came and helped Ace out with getting rid of the blade, as she cut the rope holding it and kicking it to the side before going to kill some of Aku's minions that came pouring out. Ace broke me free and grabbed my hand.
"Let's hurry. This is a in and out job." Ace said with a smile and I nodded as he picked me up bridal style. I nodded and let him carry me off. He ran off through the crowd and each time someone got near a member of the gang would defend us. My heart swelled in my chest for this...this is by far the most heart warming event I have experienced. Tears ran down my cheeks seeing how this was all for me. I wanted to fight yet I am too weak while Ace's grip was too strong.

He ran into the forest and it was then I asked,

"Ace, will the others be ok?"

"Of curse. The moment they see that we're gone they're going to retreat. They should be following us. We ran North like how we were suppoosed to." Ace said with a grin.

".......Ace...we went west." I said with a sweat drop as I forced a smile.
   ".....OH!! Haha. Oh well. Hey, can you walk again?" Ace asked as he looked down at me. I nodded and stood on my own. I smiled up at him and couldn't contain my joy as I jumped up, wrapping my arms around my husband's neck, kissing him. He returned it and I wanted this moment to not end. BUT NOPE!

      There was a sudden laugh and I looked quickly behind us and there she stood. Antonia. I growled and Ace scowled.

"Hello~ Ace~ are you well? Did you miss me? Haha. Of course you did. I see Olivia is becoming more and more of a heavy weight huh? Don't worry though. Since Aku failed this time I won't." Antonia said with a evil grin as flames appeared from her hands. Ace stood in front of me and I looked around quickly for a weapon of some sort. Something to at least by us enough time to run.

     "Olivia, go get help!!!" Ace yelled. I nodded without hesitation and started to run off before Ace yelled at me again. I looked over my shoulder and say something bright come my way. Before I could process anything else, Ace blocked my view and took the blow.

"ACE!" I yelled as I held him in my arms. I glared at Antonia. Antonia laughed as she as smirked.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Why~ that face is priceless. Oh, don't worry though, Ace is not hurt only momentarily unconscious. So now you're defenseless. HAHAHA!" Antonia laughed mechanically. I snapped and grabbed Ace's sword even though it was heavy. I ran towards with the intent to kill her for I have had enough of this bull shit. I was neglected, beaten, kidnapped, almost got killed mulitiple times, and now I still have to deal with her whore ass trying to still kill me and take MY HUSBAND!!!!!

"DAAAAMAAAREEEEE!!!!" I screamed for her to shut up as I tried to land a strike on he but then I was punched from the side and flew back. Sliding across the floor I dropped the sword and coughed as I tried to regain my senses. I looked up and widened my eyes in horror. Standing above me was Ace. He beyond furious as he glared down at me. I shook with fear and confusion.


"Don't you dare fucking touch her."


"GET OUT OF HERE AND NEVER COME BACK! YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO STAND AND WALK AWAY!" Ace shouted. I stood up as he picked up his sword.

"Now stay away from my wife."  Ace growled. I frize for a moment in confusion.

"Wh-what? But ACE.  I AM YOUR WIFE!"

"LIES!!! NOW LEAAVEEE!!" Ace said as he was about to charge with the look of the intent to kill me. I knew I couldn't stay so I ran. Ran to get help as tears fell down my face. Ugh. I hate being this useless. Ace, I will save you. I promise.

Ace's P.O.V.

I panted and turned to Olivia after Anntonia ran off. I smiled at her happy she is ok.
"Aaaaceeee~ my hero~ you saved me." Olivia said as she giggled and purred while rubbing against me. Her hold on me was tight and I felt like something was off. The way she spoke seems different and it is weird to hear her all...girly. She was softer and more quiet in her way of speech. Maybe it was just me since I see her and I am holding her. Also, it must of been because she was imprisoned for so long. Oh well.
"Ace, let's go home. But at a different place. And I know where to go." Olivia said with a giggle. I was bit uneasy.
"Why this all of a sudden?" I asked.
"Because Aku knows where I am at and we need to hide. Ace...please. I don't to be apart from you ever again." She said as she caressed my cheek. I still have my doubts but I will just listen I suppose. She is my wife and I have yet to tell her about Clem... I shook my head and started to follow her. Acting like everything is normal while I still kept a eye on her. Something is not right and I have yet to figure out what it is.

Grey's P.O.V.

I smirked as I held Ace's child and watched him and Anntonia through my glass ball. Amused by all this. I looked back at the battle that had ended and it seems my idiotic brother has lost, running away back to the depths of his hell. He is indeed utterly pathetic. I checked on Olivia and saw her running. She will be in for a treat once she finds out I have her child haha~.
"Grey-Sama. It is my turn right?" I heard the fake Ace say from behind. I turned and merely nodded to him and he was off. Now things will indeed get interesting.
"So. That is my grandchild?" A woman's voice said from behind and I turned again, smirking. There stood a red haired woman that looked like Olivia. Her mother.
    "Why hello Miss Silvia~ yes. This is indeed Clementine, your grandchild."
  "Ew. It reproduced." She said with disgust.
   "My. Referring to your daughter as a it? That is not very motherly."
   "Tch. Like I care. Now wha did you want? You brought me out of that hell hole but I suppose that is not for free."
   "Haha. Very smart of you. Yes. I need you join me and extinguish your daughter. Simple. She is a thorn in my side and she is in love with my pawn. I made a fake but that will only buy us so little time."
   "Uh huh. Sure. But your keeping her beat?"
   "Indeed I am. I plan on speeding up her growth and she will be of so much use."
   "I see. Well fine. I will do it since now I get to live again."
   "Ah ah ah~ there is a catch. You see that Ruby necklace you wear?"
   "U have to be careful now, if it breaks straight back to the fires of hell you go~" I said with a sneer. Silvia scowled as she growled at me and mumbled a few curses.
   "Tch. Fine. Have it your way." She scoffed before walking away. I let her leave and turned to the child and petted her head. She has much to learn.

To be continued.....

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