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Olivia's P.O.V.

I was being prepared for my execution as a noose was wrapped around my neck. I stood quiet and still as they tightened my bindings as well. Silently, I prayed to god. Prayed that Ace will come and save me. Ace, my savior.

Suga's P.O.V.

I was getting ready as I read Ace's report with his encounter with Grey over again. Analyzing all the detail  he had put into it. Looking for some sort of clue to get at least a bit closer to understand the enemy. All there was the same information and nothing new. Sighing I put the papers down, hoping there was something I could of used to help with today's mission. Today we're helping Ace get back his wife & friend of us. I am taking my strongest fighters and leaving the rest here to guard who is still wounded and keep up with their original jobs and keeping up with the flow of products being sold. What do we sell? Well that is a secret for we sell many things I will tell you that. BUT WE DON'T SELL PEOPLE I WILL MAKE THAT CLEAR NOW! Because that is just sick man. ANYWAY. Were was I? Oh right. I got looked around my office and then found Antonia's profile. I read it over for I have the feeling she will be there and she is going to be a bit...problematic. She knows weaknesses and is a witch. But she has her weaknesses too. She is good with fighting many people at once. But here range is only around her. So her weak points are above and below her. But Akira will be more noticeable in the daylight. Then again he probably can but then again he will have to face against Aku with Kiba and Koyomi. I want to be save and make sure he is indeed defeated. Hmmm. I am not sure what will get her from underneath. WAIT. Maybe if I can somehow get Medusa over here in time since she is a snake demon like Koyomi. Not as powerful since she is a average one while Koyomi is next in line to take over his clan's people. Ok. Good. All I gotta do is try to call her over from the main land and pray to the god things will run smoothly. Putting away the profile of Antonia I pulled out my phone and called Medusa. 

 "Moshi moshi~?" I heard Medusa answer. 

"Hey. It's me."

"Suga?! What is Hun?" 

"I was wondering if you maybe make it over here back in Kushiro. But I know you are on the mainland in Kyoto helping watch over the Koyomi family shrine while as well looking for that guy who owes me money." 

"Un. Sorry. I haven't found him yet and my position as shrine maiden. Also....many odd things have been happening. Suga. Do you know anything. Like. About humans getting possessed?" 


"Shoot. I have to go. I am sorry I can't make it. Ja'ne." Medusa said quickly as she hung up. But what shook me was the fact that I heard a wailing woman, saying her husband was possessed and had gone missing on the other end of the phone before Medusa hung up. So Grey is going all out now. Damn him. I sighed, giving into the fact that I am going to have to fight against the enemy with who I have. But I am fine with that since I have faith in my subordinates. I grabbed my guns and twin swords, putting them in my belt and my guns in my suit. 

      Just then Ace came in and I looked towards him with a smile. He was ready and I saw the fight in his eyes. I am always glad to see my friends with their spirits up. 


    "Ready whenever you are." Ace said  as he leaned against the door post with his arms crossed, with his ruby eyes locked with my chocolate ones. We both grinned at each other and we walked out of my office. 

    "I assume Akira already gave his speech and is giving the orders I told him to give to everybody?" I said as I walked besides Ace down the halls to the lobby. 

    "Yea. He did. But of course Daisy, Tamashii, & Melvin are giving him trouble. Haha." 

    "Haha. Of course. Well le...." Just then I got caught off by cawing noises. Ace and I looked over and then saw Tamashii making cawing noises as Daisy mimicked a bird, annoying Akira.

    "CAW CAW CAW!" Tamashii yelled into a megaphone he must of stolen from Akira. While Daisy was doing the chicken dance while wearing glasses with a "hello my name is Akira" sticker on. Just then Akira pulled out  a tranquilizer gun.

    "OH SHIT!" Tamashii yelled through the megaphone. 

     "RUN BITCH RUN!" Daisy screeched as she grabbed Tamashii by his shirt and ran, causing him to fly behind her like a flag as he kept cawing into the megaphone, mocking Akira still. Akira started chasing the two trying to shoot them, but kept missing us. Daisy then hid behind two butlers with Tamashii. The two then looked at each other, locking their green eyes. They then both devilishly smiled at each other, both pulling out plastic bags filled with bird seed. They then looked back at Akira as if he were prey. Akira then scrunched up his face as he shook his head and wagged a finger, 

   "OH HELL NAH! DON'T CHU DARE!" Akira said in a ghetto accent, red with anger. The couple just snickered and then started to throw the bird seed at him. Cawing. Melvin was laughing his ass off while Kage was acting like he has no relation to those two.  I then noticed that Akira was about to break and I laughed. Especially seeing how scared the butlers were as they stood there frozen in place as they sweated and peed their pants. 

"Haha. Well. I have to go and break those three apart. Save those poor butlers too, They are scared to death, the poor souls." I told Ace with a smile. 

"Ok. Hey. May I go on ahead?"

"Yes. I already have people undercover at the sight anyway. Act when you need to."

"What do you mean? Aren't you supposed to be leading?" 

"I am leading. I am leading a army.  But you are the one starting it. Go get her." I said cheerfully as I lightly punched his arm. He chuckled as he nodded as me. Putting on his brown cloak and mask, lifted the hood, he sprinted out of the mansion and I watched him until he disappeared into the trees. This time I have a feeling he won't get lost. 

   Turning the others I went to break them up but as I did  thought,  "We have made our move. What is yours Grey?" 

Ace's P.O.V

      I ran and ran. Refusing to stop even if I did get lost I kept going. I panted  heavily as air filled my lungs. I wasn't exactly tired nor felt that usual aching of the chest when people complain about their  hearts pounding so hard. I don't have that problem. But I do get tired. 

      I slide down a slope and found myself just a bit outside the town. I checked the time on my watch and saw it was 2:34. I still had time. Sprinting over I found myself in the time to see the crowd. I checked the time again. 2:49. I looked back to the forest and the saw a glimmer. They are here. Moving through crowd I made my way to front  of the stage where the guillotine was displayed. I had my head down the whole time, as I scanned the area with my red eyes making sure that I take note of all the possible escape routes. Just then the crowd started to yell out in rage and fits, throwing rotten foods and rocks. I saw Olivia walk out to the guillotine. She was wounded and it seems they hurt her really good or Aku purposely slowed down her healing rate. Either way, this is unforgivable. I checked the time and saw it was 3 minutes to her execution. Aku started giving a speech about the crimes that Olivia's parents did and the crimes Olivia supposedly committed but of course who wants to hear that bullshit? It's just repetitive to me by this point and it is a pain in the ass. I watched the as they set Olivia in. She was crying and my angered boiled even more. I had a hand on the hilt of my sword and I was getting ready. 

     "AND NOW! THE MOMENT WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! IN 3! 2! 1! PU...." Aku boomed as the the heavy blade came down. 


Having jumped onto the stage with my large sword drawn, I had stood above Olivia with by brown, ragged cloak flowing as I had stopped the blade with inhuman strength using my sword. Aku looked at me with disgust as I merely smirked. 

"Bang." Was all I said before the bullets came flying and battle cries ranged throughout the seaside town. 

To be continued..... 

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