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Grey's P.O.V.

I visited my other pawn, Mitsuda again. This time, I came to see if he has accomplished what I had assigned him.
Knocking on the door, it slid open and their little girl. Hana I believe her name is. Bending down I smiled at her.
"Why hello there little one. How are you doing today?" I said kindly to her. Not wanting to alarm her for I don't want to deal with her crying or doing something, acting on fright. It's too tiresome.
She hid behind the door, peeking at me as she nodded. Then Mitsuda came rushing over.
"Hana!" Lifting up his daughter and holding her tight, he glared at me. I laughed, amused by his distrust in me with his kids. How smart he is.
Pushing some of my grey hair back, I smiled.
"Good afternoon Mitsuda." I greeted. He kept on giving me that icy glare of his as he said a curt,
"Haha. So, is it ready?"
"Yea yea. Follow me." He said harshly. He then put his daughter down and knelt to her eyelevel. He smiled and pet her hair as he then spoke to her in a loving voice,
"Hana. Go find your mum and stay with her until I come back. Ok?"
"Ok Daddy." She said. She hugged him and he hugged back. We watched the little girl run off. When she was gone Mitsuda sighed and stood up, looking at me.
"Well?" I said with a smirk.
"Follow me." Mitsuda said. Exiting the home he started to walk out into the woods and I followed him.
We stopped once we reached a shed.
"He's in here." Mitsuda said.
"Open it." I said. Mitsuda opened it and I was pleased. There on the floor was a almost perfect replica of Ace. I smiled and walked up to him.
"Mitsuda. His eyes."
"Yes. I am well aware. They're golden. Also. There is a nip by his lip. But no one should really notice those imperfections."
"You seem so confident about that." I said to Mitsuda, glaring at him for I disapprove of this. These imperfections will be noticed. Especially to Ace's lover. Mitsuda just looked at me with a straight face and then said,
"Don't worry. No one will know. The clone has a functional mind, he'll come up with something."
"I hope you're right. If this clone screws up things will become more complex and I will make sure you deal with the consequences." I said to him in a flat, warning tone. Turning away from Mitsuda, I bent down to the clone and smiled.
"What is your name and who are you going to work for?" I asked with amusement. The clone looked up at me and then answered like the puppet he is.
"My name is Ace Heart. And I work for you Grey."
"Good. What is your purpose?"
"To replace the original Ace so you may make your next move in the game." The Clone answered me. I had wide grin on my face and then whispered with satisfaction,

To be continued......

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