Meeting In A Dream

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Ace's P.O.V.

It was late at night now and I just finished writing out my reports for Suga. I turned off the desk lamp and spun around in my chair and saw Olivia reading on the bed like usual. Yet, she is up later than her usual time too. I wonder why.
"Hey. Why are you still up?" I asked her as I laid back on the bed next to her. Olivia looked up from her book down at me and smiled,
"Just excited I guess. Haha."
"I see. Haha. Well not until another week you know." I said with a smirk, knowing what she is talking about.
"Haha. I know I know. I just can't help it. Like everytime I think about I just can't help but smile and contain a squeal." Olivia said as she smiled, the book hiding it as she pressed it against her face. Her legs starting to press close to her chest.
I smiled and laughed, happy that she feels that way. I yawned, feeling sleep creeping up on me.
"Your tired huh?"
"Well of course. It is 12 in the morning. Haha."
"It is?! Oh my. I lost track of time." Olivia said as she looked up at the clock on the wall.
"Haha. Good job."
"Haha. Yea yea. Well night." Olivia said as she turned off her lamp and placed the book down on the night stand.
She laid down on her side and faced me as she smiled, the moon light shining on us like spotlight.
She then hugged me and I chuckled. She was looking away, smiling with a blush on her face. I hugged her back as she snuggled close to me. I kissed her forehead as I closed my eyes and started to sleep.

Found myself surrounded by darkness until I saw a light. Walking towards it I found myself in a room. It looked like my room in the mansion so I walked inside. Olivia wasn't there so I shrugged it off and sat at my desk. She was probably with a friend. Then I heard her laugh.
Looking around I saw she was no where so I thought of that as odd. I figured I just imagined it but then I heard her again. I got up and walked out to the balcony, curious.
Then I saw Olivia with another man. A man with white hair and red lizard like eyes. He smiled down at her with a smile as she kissed her. She kissed back and my eyes widened in disbelief. Then, I heard her say,
"I love you Aku. Forever & ever."
"So do I Olivia."
"No! What the fuck?!" I yelled down. Olivia didn't look at me yet the man looked and smirked with a smug look on his face. I then felt a pain in my chest and gripped it as I doubled over. I was wincing at the pain and I forced myself and looked up.
Then I saw Olivia pregnant as she leaned against the white haired man who had a one year old, white haired and red eyed son on his shoulders. He looked up at me and said,
"Watch. Watch as I take back the one that I love and have a family with her. She is MY wife. Not yours. Now watch. Watch." Just then Olivia kissed him and I screamed,
"You bastard! Give her back! This is all a lie! A lie! Now fuck off and give her back! Bitch!" The man laughed and then disappeared as I woke up screaming as I shot up in bed. It was still pretty dark out. Just then I remembered and quickly scanned the room just incase that bastard wasn't in here. He wasn't and looked down and saw Olivia was still sleeping next to me.
I smiled, relieved that she was ok and still here. I even saw that she wasn't pregnant. That is good. So it was just a bad dream. Haha. I knew it. It wasn't real. Yet, Aku. White hair and red eyes. Where have heard about him from?
Then, I remembered that it was that Aku was that jack ass demon who is after Olivia. Haaaa. So that is the bastard haunting Olivia. Well he is uglier than I thought.
I was still tired and then laid back, hugging Olivia protectlively for just incase something happens. That guy looks just equally as a creep as Grey. They stalk you even in your dreams. Talk about creepy right? Stalked by old men is a pain in the ass.
Soon, I fell asleep again hugging my fiancé to then be met by that annoying creep.
"Haha. Did you see that? That was the future you know that?"
"Nope. It was a lie. Haha. Sorry. You need to get your head out of the clouds and realize that Olivia is going to be my wife, not yours. She is my fiancé." I said with a smile.
"Shut up! Don't say that!"
"Shut up!"
"Fi-an-cé." I kept on saying, chuckling as I was purposely being a ass for this was hilarious. I can't help but laugh and tease him.
Aku was pissed and his face burned with anger which made keep laughing as I taunted him. He then formed a scythe and charged at me and started to swing down at me. I chuckled as I dodged them easily.
"Is that all you got lizard man?"
"L-lizard man?!!!!! Why I oughta!"
"Haha. What is wrong with it? You do have lizard like features. Haha."
"I'M NOT CALLED LIZARD YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" Aku kept on yelling as he kept on swinging at swiftly. Yet I was able to move quickly as I didn't break a sweat. I was laughing having so much fun with this little game.
I drew my sword and held it out with a big smile on my face.
"Haha. You wanna go now? I'm ready."
"Tch." Just then the lizard man had his scythe vanish.
"Awwww. You're no fun." I said disappointed a bit as I sheathed my sword, for I really wanted to fight.
"What was that?" Lizard man growled.
"Nothing~" I sang out innocently as I put my hands on my hips, looking the other way whistling.
"Why I oughta...haaaaa, enough of this silly quarrel. Time for me to get to the point. I want to break your relationship with Oli..."
"Nope." I said quickly smiling still.
"What was that?"
"You heard me. I said nope."
"Why?! Why do you act like you love her?!"
"But I'm not acting. There's the thing. I do Olivia and I am not going to call off our relationship just because someone is just a jealous. Sorry. Now can you please get out of my head." I said while waving at him. Lizard man growled as a setting started to form around us. It looked like my room. Geez, I know my room is awesome but this guy is just too obsessed with it.
Just then he was yelling as he started to break Shit. I leaned against the will with my arms crossed as I watched him.
"You having fun there?" I asked as I saw him smashing my desk. Lizard man was panting as he glared at me & I laughed.
"Woah there. What's with that evil eye? Haha." I laughed, just having fun. The setting changed again and it was blackness again. Lizard man coughed and straightened himself out before he talked again in a calm voice.
"Now, tell me. Why do you love Olivia? Why do you keep her?"
"Geez. You are still questioning me even after your fit?" I asked raising a eyebrow and tilting my head to the side. This guy needs professional help.
"Well I love everything about her. And I am not going to give up on her. So you can like, you know, give up and move on. I mean this world is filled with women. Also, there are dating sites you can use and they'll get you women easy."
"Would you shut the fuck up?!"
"Well that isn't nice. I was only trying to help you." I said pouting a bit. This guy is so rude.
"I don't need your help and I don't need anyone but Olivia. She is mine anyway. Her parents gave her up to me. So she is rightfully mine."
"Too bad. I got to her first. She is mine now. Now can you please fuck off and leave us alone?"
"Why do you keep loving her? She is a bother to you and you are not as free as you used to be. You are forced to pay time to her and no longer with your friends. You hate that don't you? How clingy she is? She never gives you moments rest. Don't you want your freedom back? Also, when she is gone, you can no longer deal with love and feel it's pain. Now, give up on her and just let her go. Hate her even. You don't truly love her anyway."
"*yawn* Gawd, you are awfully talkative aren't you lizard man?"
"Yea yea ok. Well, let me tell you this. Fuck off. Stop acting like you know me. You make things seem so complicated when it's really so simple. I love Olivia for who she is and there is nothing wrong with her. She is not a burden to me like how you said before. I love her and I won't let another man touch her. Only I can touch her. Now, what is so hard about that? It's so simple & I keep repeating myself so you should have this memorized by now."
"Ha! Coming from the man who did not even not even know what love is."
"I do now. So, like I said before, fuck off."
"Why you little...just watch! I will take Olivia back and I will ruin you! Just you wait!"
"Haha. Ok. Ok. Try that. But you will fail miserably." I said with a laugh as I turned and walked away from the lizard man who was still threatening me. Yet I did not listen for I just kept on walking away whistling, not one bit angry or intimidated by the lizard man. I saw a door and opened it.
When I woke I saw that is was morning and Olivia was still sleeping in my arms, our faces a few inches apart.
"Hehe. You sure do attract interesting people huh?" I said below a whisper as I smiled at her. She stirred a bit and moaned as she mumbled my name. Haha. What is she dreaming about I wonder. Chuckling I kissed her forehead and brushed some of her red hair out of her face. I don't know what lizard man was talking about, I love Olivia and there is no way I am going to give her up. Like how I promised her way back, I'd protect her and I will keep on protecting her.
Olivia stirred and mumbled,
"Ace, I love much." I chuckled and held her tighter as I smiled, how wonderful this feels and nice it is to say,
"I love you too."

To be continued.....

Thank you so much for reading this awful chapter of mine. Feel free to leave comments and votes. I love you all and can't explain how grateful I am for you fabulous readers. Until next time, Ja'ne.


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