[49] tease

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"You idiot," Jungkook jolted awake as the sound of a voice close to his ear brought him back to reality. His back and neck ached as he groaned and twisted onto his side. "How many times have I told you to look after yourself? You never listen, I should punish you for that." He looked up through weary eyes to see Taehyung crouched down beside him on the deck outside. It seemed to be dark out as he had a difficult time making out the auburn's features.

"Punish me?" He questioned hoarsely, gasping slightly as he sat up and felt every crick of his neck. It must've been close to dinner time, which meant he'd been outside for several hours, passed out from utter exhaustion.

"No hugs for the next two days." Taehyung knew how much the boy enjoyed the skinship, especially with him. It was an effective punishment, confirmed by the younger's pout and his teary eyes. "Come inside, dinner is on the table and Hoseok told me you didn't eat today"

"Liar, I did." Jungkook grumbled, letting Taehyung lift him up as they wandered inside. It took a few moments for Jungkook to register why he had been outside in the first place, then remembered the man who had been sitting with Taehyung in the garden. "Who was he?" He questioned softly, stopping his steps to halt in the hallway. He didn't feel like having this conversation in front of his whole family. Taehyung smiled as he slowed also.

"He was a friend. Though, I get the feeling he could be more than that..." the wrong choice of words in the wrong situation. That became abundantly clear when Jungkook pulled away from the calming touch on his arm, staring with widened and almost infuriated eyes.

"What do you mean more than a friend?!" He choked out, his reaction almost instant. It left Taehyung momentarily baffled, unable to explain. The young boy sank to the floor as his mind thought the worst, that this was the reality, Taehyung was going to leave him. He couldn't hold back a sob, alerting Hoseok who came from the dining to find Taehyung standing above the weeping boy, mouth agape and body frozen.

"Jungkook... that's not what I meant," he whispered, lowering himself to his knees as he wrapped his arms around the boy's neck, bringing him closer as he kissed the crown of his head.

"What happened?" Hoseok questioned as he approached, concerned and worried for his over-sensitive brother. Jungkook had always been an easy crier, so there was a hesitancy to his concern, but it was still there. An instinctual reaction to the sound of distress.

"Nothing, I'll sort it out. I just phrased my words the wrong way." Taehyung replied, rubbing circles behind Jungkook's ear as he hushed him quietly. The act slowly softened the boys sobs, until he was quiet.
"Let me explain. I do not mean in a romanticised way. He's not someone I am attracted to. He is a friend of mine I've had for a few years now, and when I say I think he might be more than just a friend, I mean there's a possibility he could become my new guardian." Jungkook's head rose in a rush of excitement with eyes that reflected every bit of light.

"You mean he might adopt you?" Taehyung smiled, nodding sincerely.

"His name is Hakyeon. Over the years he has been secretly supporting me and helping me through the fallouts I had with my father even if he never knew of the actual events between us. I went to visit him a week ago and he has offered to help. He's been more of a father to me than anyone. Yesterday he reached out and offered to look after me until I turn twenty. It's a conversation I am struggling with and I am not sure what to do yet, but I invited him over to just catch up... considering we haven't seen each other since..." his words faltered as he lowered his head, resting their foreheads together.

"I'm sorry for overreacting," Jungkook said gently, focusing on the colour of his eyes that matched his hair colour. He pressed their lips together briefly, drying his tears on his sleeve as he pulled away. "I know I can be a lot, but thank you for explaining..." Taehyung chuckled, lifting the boy up to his feet..

"You can be as overbearing you like, I owe you atleast that. Now, can my boyfriend please me a kiss." Jungkook's cheeks flushed at the term that had never been verbalised, momentaroly shocked that Taehyung was the first to offer it. But the request overrode that shock, as he dove in and pulled Taehyung by the shirt. The act lasted a little longer than intended, both pulling back with a gasp and slightly swollen lips.

"Is that overbearing enough for you?" Jungkook giggled, wiping saliva from the corner of his mouth. Gross, but he decided to ignore the fact.


"Taehyungie! Don't be mean!" Jungkook complained, attempting to wrap his arms around his boyfriend who was currently extremely intent on watching a drama he'd found some interest in. Every time he felt Jungkook's hands around his waist he'd pull away, moving just out of reach. So far they'd done two full laps of the bed. Jungkook was becoming frustrated.

"I told you no cuddles. Consider it a lesson to look after yourself properly. Now stop whining and finish your homework." He smirked as he heard the young boy let out an exasperated groan. Then he went silent. Taehyung placed his headphones back in, continuing to finish the episode on the now shared laptop. Attention to the drama was instantly diverted when he felt hot breath against his neck, then soft lips that sent a chill down his spine. "J- Jungkook!" Taehyung gasped, pausing the video just as the younger moved to his ear, kissing over his earring.

"You said no cuddles, but you never said kissing wasn't allowed." He spoke before leaning in to kiss the side of his neck, fingers tracing up his spine. Taehyung didn't hesitate to remove the laptop, no longer his focus. Now it was the boy leaving loving kisses on every part of his face and neck. "You know..." Jungkook uttered, kissing Taehyung's nose. "You," a peck to his left temple, "are truly," this time the contact was just above his collarbone. But not enough to satisfy Taehyung who was simply itching to feel the soft lips on his own. "the most," now, just below the final destination, a kiss on his chin, "beautiful person," he moved as far from Taehyung's lips as possible, kissing the edge of his hairline, "I have ever laid eyes on." Finally, Jungkook let his lips ghost the others, but not before softly murmuring, "I love you."

Then he connected their long awaited kiss. Taehyung used his right arm to hold the two of them up pulling the boy onto his lap as he held him still. The cheeky tactics were not letting him get out of this easily. Pressing forward to deepen the feeling, Jungkook pushed back in competition, leaning forward to try and remove the gap that was between them.

How Taehyung had gone his whole life without being kissed was impossible to comprehend. But there was one thing he was sure of, he loved the feeling. The feeling of pure euphoria as he synced his breathing to another's. A moment of sincere affection between himself and another. That other person his and his alone. It was a challenge not to push further, dig deeper, breathe stronger as Taehyung tried to hold all his willpower to not push the boy to the mattress. Just as the thought crossed his mind, a voice frazzled his thoughts.

"Oh I can't wait til Hoseok sees this. He's going to scream." Both of them snapped apart, their heads colliding as they tried to look in the direction of the voice that had interrupted them so abruptly. Eyes coming to rest on a particularly vibrant haired boy standing in the doorway with his phone pointed at the two. Jungkook's face showed utter mortification, whereas Taehyung's showed absolute outrage. Before they could do anything, the culprit was gone.

"Park fucking Jimin! Get your ass back here now and delete that!" Taehyung screamed, pull the boy of his lap and jumping off the bed to run out the door after Jimin who Jungkook could hear calling out to his older brother.

He was so screwed...


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