[26] haze

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"Why are you staring at me like that? And why cant you tell me?" Jungkook whispered softly, not daring to shuffler any closer to Taehyung as he settled on the floor. The unstable boy was freaking him out. Something about the way he'd stare so intensely, his deep black eyes bearing into Jungkook's own. Without his contacts in, the black was more frightening that he had expected, causing nerves to crawl beneath his skin. Jungkook tried to distract himself. by draining the contents of his drink, his throat bubbling.

"Does it taste good?" He put down the empty cup and quirked an eyebrow. "I have more." He grabbed a bottle of what was labelled raspberry Fanta, taking the boys cup and refilling it nearly to the brim before handing it back. Jungkook took it hesitantly, beginning to drink the second cup as Taehyung's eyes never seemed to leave him

"Why arent you answering my questions?" He queried, hoping that the drink in his hand could deter him from the fear that was settling in his stomach. Taehyung leant forward, but Jungkook was quick to shuffle away, fingers tightening on the cup as he found solace in the sweet raspberry that contrasted with the bitterness of Taehyung's eyes.

"I will shortly," Jungkook was extremely confused as he rubbed his head to try and get his thoughts to comply with him. Emotions seeming to take over any logical part of his brain as it swirled with concern, fear, longing, heartache. But he couldn't anchor any of those feelings, everything came fuzzy and gave no logical significancy.

He groaned, bringing his head forward into his hands, every part of him pooling with a strange numbness. It didn't take him too long to get an abundant realisation of what was happening.

"What the hell did you give me?!" He yelled with a broken cry, his voice never having risen so high it caused his throat to ache. Taehyung didn't reply, biting his lip as he watched Jungkook's mind fade. Still, he refused to answer.

"Jin will come looking for you soon." Jungkook felt himself tearing up as he clutched his stomach that churned at the emptiness now replaced with his first ever taste of alcohol. He tried to lift his head, but it was far too heavy and he was far too weak.

"Why would you do that?" He whimpered desparately, looking up as his chin was lifted by a gentle hand. He stared up into Taehyung's black eyes, outline vague to him.

"So I can speak to you without you remembering." Jungkook's dreary and half lidded eyes snapped open as he felt a soft amount of pressure on his lips, foreign and awkward. He was too stunned to return the gesture, as he stared with wide eyes at Taehyung kissing him softly. Whose face was scrunched up in pain and apprehension, tears leaking from the corners of his multi chrome eyes as they flashed with that same disarray of colours. It was confusing. Jungkook didn't understand and he was too dazed to kiss back. So he let person he trusted control him, let him express whatever it was he craved.

He was almost disappointed when they finally pulled apart, letting out soft breaths as he stared with a swirl of three different colours that made his iris look surreal. "You didn't kiss back," Taehyung finally spoke, sitting back and bringing Jungkook into his lap. He began to pat down the sweat that had collected on the young boy's feverish forehead, tensing up at the heat that radiated from him. "You're sick?!" Taehyung hissed, panic evident in his tone as he grabbed the younger, pressing a hand lightly to his forehead and neck. Jungkook shrugged, his head falling into the other's shoulder.

Taehyung held the boy in his arms, eyes tearing up and chest constricting as he tried to keep the young boy conscious, immediately regretting his stupid decision. "Did you take medication?" Jungkook nodded his head slowly. "Shit, that's why you're so disoriented." The boy mumbled something into his shoulder so Taehyung lifted him up to let him repeat it.

"Why'd you do this? Why'd you push me away?" Taehyung bit his lip, lowering his gaze as he let the younger rest against him, the words of deep distress and question laying infamy upon Taehyung's already aching heart.

"Because I'm scared. I promise one day I will explain properly, once I understand it myself. But please know that I regret leaving you that day, that I was a coward to run away." Jungkook shook his head fervently, trying to disagree. "Fuck I shouldnt have come here, shouldn't have let you close to me." He added in realisation of how fucked up his mind was becoming. He went to stand and run, but the body resting on his lap stuck tightly to his shirt.

"No no, please. I need you Taehyung!"

"No you don't," he assured lifting the younger as he released a sob and clung tightly onto Taehyung. "I am unstable right now. I'm leaving to protect you Jungkook." He took in a shuddering breath, "Please, I've already hurt someone. I've already hurt you. You need to promise you'll leave me alone. I'll come back, but, for now I need some space. I came here today for you. I want you to listen to Jimin when he makes his announcement tonight." Taehyung gave him a chaste kiss to his forehead, brushing gentle fingers through his hair. "I'm not a good person Jungkook. I've hurt people in ways that should get me locked up. You may think this curse is pretty, but really, at the end of the day, it's still a curse, and I'm still a monster."

"I don't want you to be a monster, Tae..." the boy mumbled as Taehyung wiped away the last of his sweat. Feeling the heat of his skin, he gently lifted the boy's arms to pull off his hoodie in hopes to cool his body down. He tried not to show his obviously flustered expression when he found the younger wasn't wearing anything underneath. Jungkook didn't seem fazed by his actions.

"Why do you trust me? Even after I told you I've hurt people?" Jungkook shrugged, his lopsided smile showing he wasn't in his right mind.

"You wouldn't hurt me ... If you did I'd probably deserve it." Taehyung's head shot up as the loud music and chatter outside the room died down. In a panic, he snatched up the white jumper and attempted to bring it back over Jungkook's head. But the young boy now both drunk and disoriented by the mixture of alcohol and cold medicine wouldn't stop moving. He continued to duck away every time the material touched his head.

"I hope you don't remember what I said. Again, I'm sorry. Please forgive me for what I've done." He felt extremely guilty for tricking the boy with alcohol, knowing he'd regret it in the long run. But his thoughts were pulled from him as he looked up as gentle fingers began to trace his facial features.

"Have I ever told you how pretty your face is?"

"Yes Jungkook, you have. Please get dressed. Someone's going to come looking for you. I need to go."

"But why? You only just got here." Taehyung shook his head, trying not to smile. He shouldn't smile, the young boy was drunk and it was his fault.

"I cant stay, my father he'll... I'll see you some time -"

"Can you give me your number?"

"Excuse me?" Jungkook peeked his head out from his shirt, as he struggled to stick his arm into the sleeve.

"You know, the thingy that enables me to call you." Taehyung wasn't sure what to answer. No one had ever asked him such a question. Jimin was his only contact apart from his father.

"Um, sure... yeah sure," he fumbled to grab his phone, watching Jungkook as he applauded himself for being able to get his clothes successfully back on. He's even cute when he's drunk... not fair. Taehyung thought as he tugged on Jungkook's hand to get his attention. "Where's your phone?" The boy snorted, pressing his nose to the others.

"Oops, at home!" Taehyung rolled his eyes, looking around the room for a slip of paper. He grabbed a sticky note and began to write his contact number, body freezing up when he heard a familiar voice.

"Little Kookie, where are you?" Taehyung panicked, scrunching up the written note and slipping it into Jungkook's pocket as he left a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I promise I'll see you later. Also ... please don't tell your brother I got you drunk...." Jungkook nodded earnestly, fiddling with the slip of paper.

"I'll try, but I can't exactly control my mouth," mumbled Jungkook whilst looking up to see that he was speaking to an empty room. The open window left him to stare at the calm, yet unclear and hazy weather outside.


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