[18] green

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"You're actually letting me go?" Taehyung couldn't help but stare, stunned as his father stood at the kitchen bench with an unamused expression.

"Yes. I don't want you failing your classes. I spent all that money on you, if you fail a class it all goes to waste." He felt a smile creep onto his expression. It was probably the first time he'd ever felt so elated in his father's presence. He bowed slightly, muttering a sprawl of hardly audible thank you's. "What ever, just get out of my sight. and fix your bloody contacts." His father left him alone, a few coins and scrunched up bank notes placed roughly on the bench. Taehyung glanced at where he had departed to, then snatched up the money. Very hastily, he pulled on a pair of shoes and jacket before making his way to the pharmacy he always went to.


"Hello Taehyung, back so soon?" He was greeted with a familiar warm voice as the bell to the shop echoed in the background. "and with injuries too... How many times have you come in with those?" Taehyung smiled meekly, grabbed a pair of the brown contact lenses and placing them on the counter.

"Good to see you too, Hakyeon." Taehyung replied, not commenting on his appearance as he dropped the set of notes onto the counter.

"No seriously kid, who's doing this to you?" Taehyung didn't give a straight answer, but it was somewhat the truth.

"It's no specific people. just a few seniors from school that I get into fights with, that's all..." Hakyeon, the store owner who would always supply him with his occasional new set of contacts frowned, scanning the barcode on the little container and placing them in a small bag.

"Well you should really tell someone about that. It looks painful." Taehyung nodded, though he knew it was never going to happen. He took the bag and receipt, waving a quick goodbye before dashing out the store.

"Thanks again!"

The two never spoke about the reason Taehyung wore his contacts. It was kept confidential, Hakyeon knew, and had often seen him enter the store with pooling black irises. But he also saw the raging discomfort when the colours were brought attention to. Hakyeon accepted it, and helped as much as he could without create additional stress for the adolescent.


"I bought chips and my mum is going to make us a soft tofu stew for dinner. She's apparently really excited to meet you guys!" Taehyung smiled as he listened, resting his head on his notebook, watching Jungkook lead the conversation amongst their music group. He himself hadn't spoken a word since the four had grouped together for their exam project. But Jungkook knew of his ability to attend group meetings outside of school hours. He still hadn't mustered the courage to speak to Jongup or Junhong, but they understood his anxiety easily. Simply saying that they would be patient.

The four were an odd mix. Junhong was quite childish and playful, he loved to make jokes and hardly did his work. Jongup was often distracted by his surroundings, and kept checking out girls more than anything. Taehyung was glad he wouldn't be able to do that at Jungkook's household. They were all so different, Taehyung wasn't sure it'd work out. He had hope everything would go well.


Taehyung didn't expect Jungkook's house to be so massive. But when he approached the address that had been sent to him, he had to double check if he was mistaken or not.

The house was on a large block of land with a neat garden out front that was decorated with flowers ranging from tulips to petunias to roses. He stared in awe, almost too daunted to observe the interior.

"Tae!" Taehyung snapped from his daze of the house, blinking as he was met with Jungkook, waving frantically as he ran down the driveway in barefeet. "What are you doing just standing out here?" Taehyung laughed nervously, rubbing the nape of his neck as he muttered, "Your house is amazing..."

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