[37] remedy

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Hoseok grabbed Jungkook just as he fell forward, his books slipping from his hands as they fell to the floor in a heap. His body would've followed if his brother had not caught him.

"You can't even walk Jungkook. I'm beginning to think that this sickness of yours is a lot more than just a cold." Jungkook groaned, shaking his head slowly as he was lowered to the ground, Luckily no one had turned up to school yet. The two had been called in early to school for a meeting with the principal to discuss Jungkook's behaviour against older students. 

"It's fine Hoseok, just leave me alone," he mumbled, hand covering his mouth as he tried not to lurch up the liquid in his stomach.

"No, I can't keep leaving you. You've been pushing me away for days on end. I'm sick of leaving you to suffer alone." Jungkook pursed his lips bitterly as he tried to clear his thoughts, he pushed himself up weakly arms trembling under the weight of his body as he managed to get onto knees. "When was the last time you ate?" Hoseok added with full concern, watching his brother's body, that seemed to be nothing but bone, tremble under his own weight.

"Last night?" Jungkook whispered with little reassurance. Lies. In truth it had been four days ago, he hadn't been eating because every time he did he'd just throw it back up again, it wasn't on purpose.

"Look, you're going home no matter what you say. I will speak to the principal, reschedule this meeting. Father is at home today, he can pick you up." He wasn't letting his brother stay at school. He'd finished his exams and was finishing up classes, this meeting could wait. "Go to the nurse. I'll come talk to you when I get home this afternoon." Jungkook dropped his gaze to the ground, feeling his brothers stern gaze down on him. He nodded slightly, the action hurting his head as he clutched at the piercing pain just above his ear. He ignored his brother's questions when he was asked what was wrong.

"Nothing, go away, I don't need you to baby me."


"Someone would think you'd been starved, what have you been doing?" His father spoke up as he shrunk further into the passenger seat. His breathing was shallow as he let his eyes shut and listened to the car tyres against the road. He didn't dare answer the question, especially with the truth. "What's really wrong? I know you don't like talking to me. I know I'm no comfort for you. But please, if something is bothering you, tell someone." Jungkook let out a soft groan as he clutched his stomach, straightening himself up.

"You'll hate me," he choked out, a heavy strain pressing on the back of his eyes as he held back tears that he would not let fall. "You said, the day I met you not to disappoint you. I don't want that." He glanced at his father, who had a soft expression as he pulled into a restaurant car park, smiling softly.

"That was nine years ago, Jungkook, you have made me immensely proud since then. Come on, let's have lunch." Jungkook shook his head, letting out a soft whimper as he curled up into a ball.

"No, I can't," he gasped, clamping his hand over his mouth as he inhaled deeply.

"Don't take my words seriously jungkook. I may be strict, but I'm also your father. If you need something I will always be here to help you. Especially with the current situation." He unbuckled his seatbelt, leaning over so that he could undo his sons before bringing the soft and fragile boys hand into his own. He lifted his chin up so that he could have full attention. "My credit card has been running low, Jungkook. Don't think I wouldn't notice."

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