[25] rain

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"Oh my gosh! Look at you! So colourful!" Jungkook was instantly suffocated into a warm yet constricting embrace the moment he arrived at Jimin's place of residenc. Forgetting that Jin was his room-mate. He gasped for air as he managed to utter a tiny,

"Hi Jin," it still unsettled him, calling the elder by his first name, since he was also his teacher. But Jin had insisted.

"Oh Kookie, you look so cute! I know you don't like me calling you cute, but I cannot help it." Jungkook flushed as he pulled away, toiling at the hem of his jumper to pull it down further. Jin smiled, tugging on the younger's hand lightly so he could drag him into the household. He was extremely relieved to find that their was a maximum of thirty people, considering the numbers that Jimin had a tendency to invite to his events, he was thankful to not be stuck in a room of one hundred and fifty people again. "Now, some people here are going to be immature and will try to offer you alcohol. God I don't understand why jimin allowed it .... But if someone does offer you a drink, say no." Jungkook nodded, glancing around at the people dispersed around the house. A good portion of them were already drunk off their head. Typical teenagers...

"Don't worry, I will." Jin smiled, giving a confident pat to the younger's back before letting him roam free on his own. So he set off on his search for his friend he had not seen in days. "Do you know who Taehyung is?" Jungkook spoke up softly to someone he concluded was only slightly tipsy. He was surprised at how many people were in fact drunk, as most of them were underage.

"Taeyong? yeah, he's over there." Jungkook didn't hear the mispronunciation of the name, as he thanked them before making his way in the direction of who he was looking for. But he wasn't there. Instead ending up in a group of girls who all cooed at his outfit and nervous ministrations.

"Hey cutie, what's you're name?" One of the girls slurred, grabbing his cheeks harshly. The acts made him scowl and swat her hand away. He tried to back out of the group but they seemed set on starting a conversation with him. Albeit, a completely hopeless one as the majority of them couldn't think straight.

"Why would I tell you?" Jungkook spat back before being pushed into a chair as the girls surrounded him.

"Cute and feisty!"  Hot air blew through his nose as he kicked a girl who tried pulling at his shoe. He no longer felt safe being there, glancing around for anyone who could get him out of the situation. "What are you looking for baby?"

"Don't call me a baby!" He growled, stumbling from the chair and pushing one of the girls to the floor. It resulted in a loud shriek from her as the contents of the glass she was holding spilled across the floor and her attire. "Get the hell away from me."

"You imbecilic child!" She screamed, attempting desperately to wipe the red wine off of her dress, though it was already stained. She scrambled up and strutted forward, grabbing onto his hoodie as he stumbled back at the harsh shove she gave him. "Look what you've done!"

"You did it yourself," he muttered softly. Before she could dig her nails into his neck at the snide remark, her head spun over to a man that was approaching them Suddenly all the girls went quiet.

"Get your hands off of him." She obeyed immediately, pulling back and smiling like a dumb fool.

"Taeyong! hey!" The boy by the name of taeyong ignored her, grabbing on his arm and pulling him away from the crowd. Once they were out of the ruccus and settled into a corner, Taeyong released his arm and sat back down in the corner where a bottle of half empty beer sat.
Jungkook stared, watching the elder as he sat and observed the party as it unfolded.

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