[1] blue

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People judge other people, for reasons many can't understand.

They consider it wrong, yet they do it anyway.

No matter how hard an individual may try to change the way humans may think, nothing will work.

For they were born to break even the smallest of creatures. because they're different. because their beauty is unique, and they shine throughout darkness.

Because they are beautiful, they are a freak. A monster.

Oh how saddening it is, to watch these butterflies of god, shatter under the footsteps of hatred and jealousy.


It wasn't everyday that Kim Taehyung woke up smiling. Hell, it wasn't everyday Kim Taehyung woke up at all. He preferred to keep to himself, curled up in the covers of fluffy blankets and old history books. Taehyung had a love for all things historical. He found it all so fascinating, how years, even centuries ago, these beautiful mechanisms were built from ideas in a person's brain. How historical figures who changed futures with their silly inventions that were considered crazy, are now considered the most important thing in the world.

Taehyung wished he were one of those inventions. He wished he were something so absolutely crazy that people found it hard to believe. That maybe, just maybe, he'd be significant one day. That maybe he'd change someone's life for the better.

For now, he stuck to his books of his own fantasies, eyes twinkling in delight, as he'd read on.


„Kim Taehyung! Get your ass down here this instant!" The boy sighed apathetically as he rolled over to the end of his bed, his father's voice filling his ear drums with absolute disappointment. He had been happily preparing his mind for a good day ahead. For his best friend - and only friend - had invited him to a party. Though, his joyous feelings of excitement faltered at his father's vicious tone.

„Coming father..." he called quietly, knowing that no one would hear, nor bother to listen.

„And wear your damned contacts!"

Of course, how could he forget. He walked over to the desk that sat in the far corner of his room, completely unused, with closed books for homework and other useless work that he'd probably still have incomplete after a thousand years.

As Taehyung looked up, he put on a smile that made his face crinkle up and his expression look ugly.

„Happiness is so far fetched these days," he murmured, picking at the light brown contacts and staring up at the mirror once more. Of course he didn't need the reflection. He'd used contacts so many times, it was highly possible for him to apply them with his eyes closed. Taehyung just enjoyed staring at himself one last time before turning into someone else.


Then they were brown.


A/N : this is my new story, it's called iris. more will be revealed shortly about the plotline.

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