[16] worry

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warning: this chapter contains some mentions of sexual harassment, if you are uncomfortable with this, please do not read, i would hate for you to feel discomforted by the scenes written.

Hoseok sat with jungkook, the boy curled up in his lap as he wept softly. The reassuring brushing over his skin and words were helping somewhat, but he was still hurting.

"Do you have any homework due in tomorrow?" Hoseok asked quietly, knowing it would stress the boy if he had incomplete requirements.

"None that I haven't finished," his words quivered as he spoke hesitantly, fingers picking at pilling on his bed covers as Hoseok smoothed fingers through his hair soothing his scalp.

"Good, that means you don't have to stress as much, yeah?" He received a nonchalant shrug and a shaking breath for a reply. Then silence. Hoseok found it difficult to lighten the mood when Jungkook was in pain, because he worried so extremely for his brother.


"Hoseok..."Jungkook called out softly after at least an hour of the two lying together. He had skipped dinner, but what difference was that to every other day? he'd have it later.

"Yes little kookie?" Hoseok felt a fist close around his shirt, pulling gently on the material as he ran his fingers over the texture. he looked up with a scared glint in his eyes as tears brimmed along the crescents. Every blink forming more that we're building up, threatening to fall.

"Someone... someone..." he began carefully, but its like he couldn't speak, his brain wouldn't let him. He breathed I deeply trying to steady his words enough. "They ... touched me."Hoseoks eyes widened as his fingers dug into his own calf, eyes blurring with tears as he pulled his brother in closer and buried his face into his hair. He inhaled deeply, bringing his hand over to Jungkook's own,

"Where Jungkook?" he whispered with concern, needing it to be clear what his brother had experienced. Jungkook seemed hesitant to reply as he fiddled with the hem of his sweater he still hadn't removed, leaving a flushed colour on his cheeks.

"You know where." He whispered, biting his lip to control himself.

"I have an idea, and i'm disgusted by the thought. But Kookie you need to tell me exactly where and when. Also if you can, who" heshuddered, as he began to utter a small explanation.

"It was when I was going to meet you. after school, he stopped me when we were in the corridor just across from you. he... he started...." he had tears falling down his cheeks, as he covered his mouth with his sleeve to muffle his sobs. Hoseok felt his own tears dripping, seeing how distraught his baby brother was. "He started grinding against me... I... I didn't know what to do. Then he just stopped, gave me this... then left" Jungkook reached into the back of his jeans with shaking hands, bringing out a slip of paper. one with a phone number clearly written on it. a crude message written just below it. Hoseok wanted to rip the piece to shreds. but he needed the number to find out who the abuser was.

"Don't worry Kookie. I'm not going to let anyone touch you again" he whispered, wrapping the still violently trembling figure in his arms and lifting him onto his lap so he could curl up even tighter.

"I'll find this pervert, he won't be worrying you anymore, trust me on this. Anything for my little baby brother" Normally Jungkook would've protested about the overly sweet and dulcet names. But he was too lost in his own thoughts and worries to care.


Jungkook was perfectly fine with locking himself inside an empty classroom and eating alone. He found no comfort in company at the given moment. Ao that's what he did, finding a room a little further out from the cafeteria so no one would find him. He decided to read through some revision whilst not even glancing at his lunch.

Of course someone had to ruin his well wanted silence. That someone, a not so pleasant sight.

There was loud yelling to begin with. as what looked like at least ten people came spilling into the corridor just outside the room Jungkook was hiding in. he was curious. so he peaked through the window. his eyes widening when he caught a glimpse of Hoseok. but his face was absolutely infuriated.

"You dare touch my brother?!" Jungkook's face turned deathly pale as his eyes came to rest on the familiar man standing amongst a small amount of the additional students.

"Oh come on, he enjoyed it!" His hands curled into fists as he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from the fight that was unfolding, he prayed it wouldn't get too physical and out of hand.

"You sick dipshit! He's only fifteen!" Jungkook was in awe of the way his brother cared so much for him, even when no one else would. It warmed his heart.

"All that much better. They are always so flawless when they're young and innocent."

"You're a pedophile," Hoseok scoffed, stepping forward dangerously slow.

"If you ever go anywhere near him again, hell will be your next home because that's where I'll send you." laughter rang out from the three people who stood behind the stuck up man who seemed unfazed by the threat.

"What are you going to do? fink on me?" He was met with a fist right to the nose. He stumbled backwards, crashing into the wall and almost collapsing. But he was brought up by one of his companions. "Hah, that almost tickled," he sneered with an amused tone, before charging at the one who had just hit him, and that was how a fight began over the boy watching in fright not too far away.

Jungkook pulled on the doorknob of the room he'd locked himself in, his hands trembling as he tried to unlock the door. He needed to get to his brother before the group of four beat him to a pulp.

He had gotten the door open and was half way down the hallway, when a harsh tug on his wrist, sent him flying backwards.

"Hoseok!" Jungkook shrieked out, it was a habit he had whenever he felt in danger, right at that moment was one of them.

The call of his name made his brother looked towards the frantic yell, deflecting a hit as he stared with worried eyes. But when he saw something, his expression softened, and he turned back to what he'd been doing prior. This left Jungkook dumbfounded and scared as he was pulled away.

"Let me go! My brother is going to get hurt!" Jungkook screamed, desperately trying to run from the one who'd basically kidnapped him.

"He's not going to get hurt." Jungkook was pushed into another empty classroom - or so he thought it was empty. Then the door was shut, leaving him to stare up at an all too familiar orange haired person.

"Jimin? What are you doing?"

"I'mm you're new body guard. Well, Taehyung too" Jungkook looked around, his eyes catching on the boy who was sitting in a corner, buried into shadows.

"What about my brother? He can't fight four people on his own! He'll end up in hospital!" The idea frightened him as he tried his best to get past Jimin who was only slightly taller than him, but he just ended up being pushed back to the desk.

"Ah ah! Jin has already been told and is on his way, don't worry, he'll be fine. I'm just going to make sure they showed up. Stay with Taehyung!" Jimin left in seconds, leaving an eerie silence in the room as jungkook pulled at his sleeves and chewed on his lip out of apprehension. A small squeak came from his mouth as a hand rested on his shoulder, and he was swivelled around to face a boy who sent a bright flush up his cheeks.

"How many times has someone done this to you?" Taehyung asked in a slow serious tone. Jungkook knew what he was referring to. Of course he knew, Hoseok must have told him.

"I only know of once." Taehyung nodded, his face relaxing as he smiled, it was small, but still evident.

"Well, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. I made a promise to your brother about this the moment he told me, and I'm making one to myself." Jungkook's ears turned a very deep rose colour as he lowered his head baahfully, hardly able to breathe as he could feel the closeness of Taehyung to his skin.

"Thank you, Taehyung."

"That's what friends are for. I'm someone you can come to if you're in need."

Though both secretly wished it was something just that little bit more.


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