[17] auburn

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Taehyung kept his promise. Through out every class, he'd watch the sensitively curious 15 year old, he observed every move people around him would make.  Through out cladd breaks, he would attach himself to the boy's side, making sure anyone that got close was safe and non-threatening. Jimin was bemused by the situation, hardly having to do anything to watch out for Jungkook, as Taehyung seemed set on doing it himself.

Jungkook wasn't going to admit out loud that he found the kind acts flustering. Especially the way Taehyung would run his fingers over his shoulder and curl him into his side when he caught someone staring for a bit too long. The powerful gaze sending them a clear message: back off or you're dead.


"Taehyung," Jungkook whispered softly as he approached his new friend who was focused on placing his books he did not need in his locker. Not having noticed the other was there, he jumped at the voice, spinning around and fumbling with his book as it toppled to the floor. He smiled sheepishly, leaving it on the floor.

"Jungkook. you're still here." He murmured, surprised as school had ended twenty minutes ago. Taehyung was known for staying back later, but Jungkook was often gone before the bell had even finished ringing. "What's up? Are you alright?"

"Can you... walk with me?" Taehyung smiled reassuringly when he saw how nervous the boy was to walk down a corridor. He nodded timidly before shutting his locker, making sure the door was secured in place before grabbing his bag and resting his hand lightly on his friend's shoulder. Gently, with a hand keeping them close, they wandered towards where Hoseok was finishing off his additional studies he had every single afternoon.

Jungkook pressed closer when they rounded a corner, stopping abruptly when he saw the four that had started a fight with his brother. He instantly backed up pressing himself to a wall. The group causing the boy's fear had not noticed his presence, as they continued to stuff around with the vending machine that hadn't been used in at least three years.

"It's okay, Ive got you. Where is your brother meeting you?" Jungkook pointed hesitantly to a door just a few metres away from where the seniors were lingering. Taehyung sighed with frustration, not hesitating to grab the boys small and delicate hand, enclosing their fingers together as he pulled the boy along. They kept their heads down in an attempt to avoid being stopped, not wanting to start an argument, or a fight at that.

"Hey! look who it is!" Jungkook shuddered in Taehyungs arms, burying his head to his chest as he tried to focus on the comfort of the person by his side. It made him feel safer, his eyes were stinging as he tried not to break down out of fear.

"Leave him alone," Taehyung spoke steadily, something he had not been able to do for a very long time. But his anxiety was buried beneath this sense of duty he had to protect the 15 year old now shaking against him. He tried to move forward, consistently keeping his own body between the seniors and Jungkooks as they headed towards Hoseok's classroom.

"But that's no fun," Taehyung halted unwillingly when he felt a tight grip on his bag, pulling them both to a halt.

"Well go find something else to fun with, get the fuck away from him." He growled, keeping his head down as he stayed in his place, the grip imprisoning him still not having ceased.

"I know you. You're that freak aren't you?" Jungkook entwined his hand with Taehyung once again as he heard the offensive title, feeling the way his muscles tensed.

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