[24] contrast

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Jungkook?" Hoseok called as he walked down the still empty corridor. It had already been forty minutes, so distracted that he'd completely forgotten to meet his brother back outside the room. His body filled with panic as he searched the hallway, not finding the boy where he said he would be waiting.

Hoseok approached the door his brother had disappeared behind, pushing lightly on the door to see if it would budge. It did not, the kid had locked it. Hoseok sighed, attempting to call the younger's name again. Yet still he heard nothing but his own voice in return. He had two minutes until people started spilling into the hallway, and quite frankly wanted to escape from the hustle before he got caught in it.

He grimaced, as he placed his whole weight on the door and shoved against it, nearly face planting as the old piece of wood swung open with a rather skin crawling creak. Hoseok looked around for the piano, not finding it in the space. But he did see another door that was open slightly. The room was filled with darkness as he walked up slowly. Gentle to approach, he tapped the door with the back of his hand, yet still there was nothing nothing. "Kookie?"

He entered the room, flicking the light switch as the room lit up to reveal a cute sight. Jungkook was curled up on the floor, his face hidden behind his fringe and hands as he slept peacefully. "Cute," his brother cooed, kneeling down and pulling gently on the young boy's arm to reveal his tear stained face. Hoseok frowned, shaking the boy lightly.

Had he cried himself to sleep?

"Kookie, you have to wake up now." Jungkook emitted a small groan as he shifted slightly, bringing his brother with him. It ended in Hoseok collapsing on top of the unconscious brunette. He tried to pull back but Jungkook wasn't letting him go anytime soon, he also wasn't waking up either.

Hoseok heard people beginning to enter the room. His first instinct was to leave the boy and just let him sleep, but he had second thoughts when he realised the class was in fact seniors. Some similar to the brief description of Jungkook's offender. He managed to get himself over to the door that lay ajar, tapping it shut so the two were out of sight. Then he shuffled back and brought the. closer as he laid down."Little Kookie. I am even ditching class because of you," he whispered, not really intending on the younger hearing him. Though he heard a soft mewl as Jungkook rubbed his eyes, opening them wearily.

"What?!" He gasped, sitting up suddenly as he looked around the lit room to take in his surroundings. Then he heard the loud chatter outside. "Hoseok! You can't miss class!" He hissed quietly, not wanting to be heard.

"Shhh, it's okay. I don't have anything important, it's just art theory. I can easily finish that tonight. What do you have?" Jungkook still wasn't convinced, but he didn't pester him anymore, already feeling guilty for being such an irritant.

"History, but I can speak to my teacher after class. He's more understanding than most teachers." Hoseok smiled, resting his head back down as he stared up at the ceiling.

"So, what are we going to do for the next few hours?"

"Absolutely no idea"


"Why do you worry so much about what you're going to wear?" Jungkook spoke up curiously, not fazed by the fact that he was watching his brother change.

Jungkook had chosen something simple: a pair of pale purple jeans that his aunt had once bought him as he had been obsessed with purple at the time - wasn't going to admit he still was. They still fit him to the day as he had not grown in five years, it was actually quite depressing, but that meant he had been tall when he was ten. For his upper half he wore a white oversized hoodie that he'd found lying around, surprised it had no stains.

Hoseok smiled, pulling the younger's hoodie over his eyes, instantly protesting about his hair being ruined. Not that he had done much with it. It had just been washed and hair dried, so the fluffy texture it possessed was in overdrive. Hoseok nearly died from cuteness when he saw the little bow he'd put in out of boredom as he waited for Hoseok to change.

"You should keep that on when we go out," he mentioned in reference to the bow as he pulled on a black dress shirt to match his smoky grey jeans. It was easy to say the two were polar opposites.

"No! that's embarrassing! people will be all weird and gross."

"People are always weird and gross," Hoseok responded through a small chuckle, checking his appearance in the mirror.

"Why do you always worry if you look good or not? I mean, you always look good!" Hoseok smiled at the younger's clearly unintentional compliment, as he rolled back onto the bed. Fuffy hair fell in his eyes as he did so. He gave a bunny tooth smile, laughing with a little squeal as Hoseok tackled him.

"You're so cute Kookie!"

"I'm not cute!" He gasped breathlessly, trying to push his brother off. But to no avail. With a cheeky grin, he reached up and pressed lightly on his brothers neatly styled hair.

"Hey! No! Not the hair!"

"Then let me go!" Jungkook demanded through a breathless laugh, earning his desired request.

"Come on. Stop distracting me, or we'll be late."

"Why is he having this party?" Jungkook asked as he jumped up from the bed and pulled at the bow in his hair to throw it across the room. He slipped on a pair of boots before following his brother out the door. He wasn't going to lie, he was anticipating seeing Taehyung more than anything. If he wasn't there he would probably leave.

"Good question, and one I cannot answer. We'll have to see I guess."


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