[8] bashful

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Jungkook was vexing, as he couldn't help but stare at a certain boy, sitting just a few rows in front of him. Taehyung's silky hair was glowing under the warmth of the classrooms vivacious lighting. Any time he would run his fingers loosely through his hair at uncalled times, it made Jungkook's emotions spiral upwards, as if they were on an incredibly thrilling roller coaster. Every single movement the elder would exploit, sent Jungkook on a high, one in which he subtly wished he wouldn't come down from.

Now, Jungkook had vrushes before. He'd had numerous crushes on girls throughout his life, some serious some not so serious. But never had he felt this way towards a boy before. Yes, he would admit that he likes them, and that they were currentlt his preference, but never had he stared at a certain boy for a whole twenty minutes before. Eventually being scolded by his teacher for doing so.

"Shall I repeat myself, Mr Jeon?" Jungkook snapped out of his daydream, when he heard his name being called. Looking up, he felt the mortifying saliva hanging slyly from his mouth, as well as the sound of others snickers and chuckles from around him, who were now teasing him for being such a loser. Quickly wiping at it, he looked down at his work, as he became flustered with all of the suddenly observant eyes on him.

"N-no sir...I-I got it." Jungkook said, slightly raising his head to show his teacher some respect, only to be met with a somewhat unamused expression on their face.

"You sure? Because I didn't say anything." Jungkook's face fell into an even deeper crimson, as he tried to crumble himself into nothing, as his existence was nothing but utter embarrassment.

"Are you done daydreaming about Mr Kim now?" Jungkook wasn't afraid to curse under his breath, as the said boy swivelled in his chair. He was looking straight at the younger with his daunting and unsettling stare, one Jungkook wished he'd never have to see again.

"I-i wasn't... daydreaming about him, sir." Jungkook squeaked out, looking over at Taehyung who was smirking - which wasn't helping at all.

"Just pay attention. Is that too much of a challenge for you?"

"No... sir." Jungkook said in a quiet mumble.

The teacher nodded his head, before turning his attention back to the class and beginning his explanation. Jungkook was slightly happy that they had completely forgotten about the past event, but that was not the case for a few individuals in his given class.

Jungkook was packing up his books, avoiding eye contact with practically everyone as he gathered up everything that belonged to him. It was one of those rare times when he didn't care that his books were in an unstable stack or that he may look bad to rush out of the classroom like a maniac. On his way out, he brushed passed a group of people that were blocking the path to the door. Keeping his head down, he waited patiently for them to move. After a while, one of them noticed his presence and gave him a smug expression, before he gestured to his friends, hinting at them to move out of the way. After the instruction, they all parted, letting the younger boy pass through, or so he thought.

As Jungkook made his way through the large group of noisy students, he kept his gazed fixed on his path ahead, making sure to try and stay as unnoticeable as possible. Due to his lowered gaze, he failed to notice the foot sticking out subtly, from the crowd. That was until he was sprawled out on the floor, with his books in a scattered mess of remains, across the classroom. The older group of teenagers found the scene amusing, causing them to laugh like five year olds, as they walked off. They left Jungkook on the floor as he tried to control himself. He couldn't decipher whether he was angry or upset, but either way, he gave no effort in standing up. He instead opted to just lay on the floor, with his face pressed to the floor, as he listened to the footsteps that echoed upon it.

Jungkook was pulled from his state of subconscious, when he heard the soft rustling of paper, pencils and books. He raised his head slowly, a tear slipping unwillingly down his cheek, as he watched the sight of a silent boy, collecting up his things.

Jungkook felt his heart pound, the very second he saw their face, for it was none other than the person he had been staring at during class. He felt his face heat up again, as the Taehyung hoisted himself up so he was standing. His arms tensed so that each muscle seemed to define themselves.

"I'm doing it again." Jungkook whispered inaudibly, groaning softly as he attempted to move. His movements only caused pain to fire up his calves and knees, catching Taehyung's attention due to his quiet groaning.

"Oh... so you are conscious?" Jungkook was going to stay silent, but saw no point in ignoring him, as it was disrespectful for one thing. He also saw it as unnecessary, as he was already caught out and it wasn't his fault after all.

"Yeah... just." Taehyung chuckled at the vague reply, as he kneeled down and offered his hand to the younger.

"These floors don't get cleaned weekly you know. I'd suggest getting up before you catch some rotten disease." Jungkook smiled with a light laugh, obviously filled with apprehension, as he took the boy's hand bashfully in his own, allowing him to be lifted up. As he began to feel the floor under his feet once again, he felt another spike of pain through his still throbbing legs.

"Th-thank you..." Jungkook said shyly, not really sure on how to react to the contact.

"My pleasure." Taehyung retorted, smiling slightly.

Taehyung looked down, an even wider smile playing at his lips as he saw the two hands, still connected. Noticing the gaze, Jungkook looked down towards their hands, causing him to freak out at the touch and pull away far too quickly.

"I'm so sorry... oh god, I'm such a kook." Jungkook said, looking up at the boy who now had an amused grin on his face. He chuckled at the situation and the boy's unintentional joke.

"Hmm.", he hummed, "Maybe a little bit Jungkook, but I see nothing wrong with that."

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