[15] fear

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warning: this chapter contains some mentions of sexual harassment, if you are uncomfortable with this, please do not read, i would hate for you to feel discomforted by the scenes written.

"Would you be mad if I told you I know what happened between you and Taehyung?" Jungkook ignored his brother as he pestered him childishly. "Jimin may have exaggerated though, care to share with a bit more detail?" He groaned, dragging his feet up the steps to the two's household pushing on the door with little energy.

"I'd like to keep my tongue, thanks." He retorted irritably, making his way miserably to his room, earning a concerned frown from his older brother.

"What's got you in a twist?" Hoseok perked up from the doorway, becoming more worried when his brother hadn't even settled down to study. Instead he was sitting at the edge of his bed, staring blankly at the floor.

"Aww, Kookie don't ignore me... you know how I feel when you ignore me."

"Why are you so whiny today?" Jungkook muttered, pushing his shoes off by digging his heels into the back and flicking them away.

"I'm just worried Kookie, you seem down." Jungkook shrugged, lifting his feet up onto the soft mattress and bringing himself under the blanket, not putting in any effort with removing his uncomfortable clothing

"If you really want to know, come back later. Right now I just want to rest." Hoseok knew something was wrong, as the boy never willingly slept. Unless of course he couldn't physically keep his eyes open. But he didn't push the subject any further, as he knew it would only create more discomfort.

"Alright... would you like anything for when you wake up?" Jungkook nodded softly, murmuring a quiet,

"Hot chocolate please..."

then he curled up under his blanket and shut his eyes, body wound up so tight that it made him look so mall. Hoseok looked over his gentle features, his childish elements still so prominet despite being in his mid-teens. It made him jealous, to see how pretty his brother was. His fluffy hair falling in front of his eyes that could shine in any lighting. His cherry tinted lips that were so naturally perfect, forming a small pout. His face was gentle and sweet, his body, usually covered by baggy clothes, on the thinner side.

People were sick. Hoseok had been in two physical fights with people who had wanted to take advantage of his brother. Jungkook was oblivious to it because his nose was either buried in a book, or his head was in the clouds.

There was conflicting realities for Jungkook. A mixture of constant words of hatred and jealousy from those who despised his intellect ... and obscene actions and stares. He'd left a school in which he'd been bullied, entering a new one where it all just seemed to scaffold.

"I love you Kookie," Hoseok whispered, brushing his fingers over the door frame as he switched the light off and gently pulled the door closed behind him.


Jungkook woke up to the sound of silence. His head was fuzzy and his thoughts were a mess. He let out a soft groan as he lifted himself slowly, rubbing lazily at his eyes to try and clear the sleep from them. It had been a long time since Jungkook had enjoyed sleep, so he guessed the act was somewhat pleasant this time around.

He wandered through the house, peering sleepily into each room, looking for someone to accompany him. He made it to the second lounge before stopping, hearing a voice from someone he hadnt realised was home, speaking rather distastefully to someone over the phone.

irisOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora