[38] breath

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Jungkook jolted up in bed with cold sweat pooling down his forehead. It soaked through his shirt as he inhaled and exhaled desperately, clutching his stomach as he fell forward coughing and wheezing into the mattress.

"Jungkook, lay back down." He shook his head, holding it up with his arms which were shaking violently. He couldn't bare to look over at the person sitting just beside him, skin crawling with shame. "You're just going to pass out if you don't."

"How long have you been here?" He choked out, deciding to lie down since his head was bursting with a searing pain. He turned on his side, vision blacking out for a few seconds before returning slowly.

"Awhile, we found you last night. We need to watch you... How much did you drink yesterday?" He let his eyes flutter shut, staring at the insides of his eyelids as he strained his memory to remember.

"Five?" He answered hesitantly, unsure and scared of the reaction. It made his heart hurt to hear a broken sigh. "I'm sorry," he croaked, shrinking in his blankets.

"No need to apologise. You'll be okay." Jungkook nodded as he listened to his brothers words, not daring to face him. There was silence as he tried to level his breathing, feeling a warm cloth brush over his forehead as Hoseok laid it over him gently. "Father wants you to go to rehab."his eyes snapped open, rolling over as he stared with pure disgust and shock.

"He's got to be joking..."

"No Jungkook, he's not, and I agree with him. We can't help you, you've had too much. The best thing is to take you to a clinic where they can detox you. You're only fifteen and you're already intoxicated with large amounts of alcohol. That's definitely going to mess up your body. If you continue you could break down and I don't want that. Please, it'll be just for a few months, you'll be back a few days before school goes back."

Jungkook stared up at the ceiling, his mind blank as he blocked out the urge to cry, instead choking on his own saliva as he sobbed through dry tears.

"I don't want to," he cried out, looking down at his hands which looked as if they were nothing but bone. He trailed his eyes over his whole body, only coming to realise just how thin he was.

"But I need you to Kookie. I can't see you sick anymore. It hurts me to see how miserable you are and how little you are caring for yourself." He could only nod as he curled up, closing his eyes for a good minute or two. He knew Hoseok just wanted the best for him, but it struck fear in him that he would be away from everyone he loved, be away from Taehyung.

"Where is it?" He whispered softly.


"NO!" He immediately screamed, plunging into an extremely defensive manner as he tensed entirely.

"Jungkook don't yell at me," Hoseok spoke sternly, grabbing the boys arm which felt like nothing but bones under his fingers.  "I know you don't want to go to Busan. but you'll be in an adolescent clinic. She won't know you're there, you'll be safe. We can call every day. She can't come near you. You'll be okay." Hoseok brought his brother into his arms, wrapping a blanket around him as he kissed the crown of his head. "This is the best place for you, it's for teenagers like you, there won't be any old people there. You'll be safe." He repeated the safety, running meticulous fingers over the boys skin.

"I don't want to leave you... I don't want to leave Taehyung," Hoseok grimaced at the way Jungkook acted as if Taehyung wasn't dead.

"You'll be back, I'll be here, we'll talk every day." He didn't speak about Taehyung.

"When am I going?"

"Father gave them a call last night, if you say yes, he can drive you tomorrow. The quicker you go, the quicker you can come back." Jungkook could only nod as he fell back into the pillows, trying to drown himself in the sleep that filled his mind with dreaded thoughts, no longer the peace he once felt.

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