[7] discontent

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Jungkook knew he'd regret his decision of joining his overly excitable brother on an outing, the moment he saw where they were heading.

"Hoseok please..." Jungkook began, pulling against the elders grip, as they made their way down the street. A street in which jungkook had been down far to often for his liking.

"What's wrong?" the elder questioned, curiosity iced his tone of voice.

"Why do you have to bring me?" Hoseok frowned, stopping after they reached the front gate of their desired destination.

"You like hanging out with my friends, don't you?" Jungkook didn't want to admit that it made him feel queasy, being so diversely different from the rest of his brothers friends. Sure, they were great company, they made him laugh at times, but it was often just a forced cold laugh. He hated how they would all love to coo over his age and his looks.

"No, they just downgrade me to being a child." Hoseok stood stationary for awhile, just thinking, then he smiled.

"Aish, can't believe I forgot. Jin's cousin is going to be here." Jungkook gave an unconvinced glare for the second time that evening, stuffing his hands back into his pockets and taking a slight step backwards. Hoping that the older didn't notice, he subtly looked up from the ground, taking another step backwards, in hopes of making a break away from the current situation.

"Yah, don't leave! I want you to meet him, he's really similar to you..." Jungkook stopped backing up, now about two metres away from Hoseok. He was hesitant to step closer once again, but decided in listening to his brother, out of plain curiosity.

"What do you mean like me?" The boys elder brother just smiled at the younger, as he approached the nervous boy.

"He enjoys school too, finds passion and pleasure in working hard in every class, and answers all the teachers questions.... I just think you two would get along well, that's all. He's quite charismatic too."

Jungkook hummed to himself as he thought of all of the possibilities on everything happening. It was something he had learnt to do, before stepping into something he couldn't get out of. He thought it was a skill of his, always analysing if not over-analysing every situation before he ran into it. This way he had a plan in his head of what to do, if there was even the slightest chance of him making an absolute mess of everything, he could get out of the situation before the opportunity to do so was too late.

"Fine... but only one hour. After that, I'm leaving whether you like it or not." Hoseok nodded in agreement, grabbing the smaller's hand and dragging him back to the house. The eldest of the two pulled the gate open and marched inside with the younger, not bothering to ring the bell on the passcode box, to signify their arrival.

"Hoseok, you actually came!" The two were greeted with numerous yells of thrill and excitement, as they neared the group of elder boys. Hoseok and Jungkook walked up to them, despite Jungkook's hesitation, and greeted the rest, completing their friend group.

During Hoseok's loud and friendly reunion, Jungkook stood back in the entrance of the room, not wanting to interfere with his brother's greetings. After a while, we was finally noticed hiding away in the doorway, and dragged into a bone crushing hug.

"Little Kookie~!" The said boy grimaced slightly and the pet name and the contact with the other. Despite his protests, he still felt slightly comforted in the person's warm and caring embrace.

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