[4] purple

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Taehyung's phone vibrated for the millionth time in that hour. Though the said boy would not answer, instead opting to just lay on his bed. Staring at the barren white ceiling the boy feeling crestfallen, having no such motivation to read his book. He had never felt this emotion so dominantly overpowering before. Sure, he'd been let down before, plenty of times, on a daily basis in fact, but never had he felt it so strong to overwhelm himself so much, to even cloud over every other emotion. He wondered what colour his eyes would be, to represent this dreadful feeling inside, but he was far to abash to move even an inch in any direction, at the moment. After a good two hours of his phones vibrating and irritating beeps, signifying yet another notification, Taehyung finally gave up, turning onto his side to pick up his phone and find out who was slowly destroying his peace and sanity. Checking his overflowing unseen messages list, he noticed how all were from an inpatient nerdy yet weirdly extroverted best friend, Jimin. Being to lazy and bothered to read all of the one-sized conversation, he chose to just read the most recent two.

just sneak out Taehyung

....... come on Taehyung, this is a once in a lifetime chance

stop being so dramatic Jimin

Taehyung! You're not dead?! When your father answered the door, quite obviously drunk, I nearly had a heart attack!

Taehyung just rolled his eyes at his conversation with his best friend, quietly laughing because of his silly and over-dramatic words. Jimin knew his father would never fatally hurt him, but he had an uncontrollable tendency to worry and stress out about the little and often insignificant things in his friends life.

what was this about sneaking out?

ah yes, well, come to your window and you'll see

At that, Taehyung slowly rose to his feet, walking up to his bedroom door and cautiously pressing his ear to it. Hearing nothing but silence surrounding him, he sadly smiled as the sickening silence was all to familiar for him. It wasn't the first time he had gone out with a friend, without his fathers consent and even recognition or acknowledgement of the repetitive situation about to occur again. He tried pushing his thoughts under the surface that worried about the result of his father finding out that he had done this too many times. Instead he tried to think of the positives instead. Doing this allowed him a chance to be free and have some form of a social life, as well as just trying to temporarily escape the frightening atmosphere around his father that was currently probably passed out on the couch downstairs.

Taehyung had lost count over the years, of how many times he had done this now, to the point where his body could just move on its own towards the window and slip straight down to the tree below.

"I can't believe you actually do that!" Jimin said in amazement, as he watched the younger slide gracefully down the trees rough surface, as if he had practiced it multiple times, the day before, for a show that night.

"My father rarely checks on me, the only precautions being I have to make sure I am home by morning." Jimin nodded in agreement, grabbing the taller's arm and swiftly dragging him through the dew covered grass blades that were dripping tiny water droplets onto their shoes. It was like the cold air around them just suddenly dropped in degrees, making the grass blades sharp like freshly sharpened knives, ready to cut into their soft skin, them both being its victims.

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