[46] disgrace

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It had been the first day back at school, Jungkook starting in his second year of high school. The age difference was becoming more noticeable as all his classmates grew taller. This year felt different, maybe it was just because his brain was still playing catch up with the last few months. They hadn't even celebrated the new year like they usually did, so things were out of touch.

For the second time in his life, school was boring. The teachers cared less about their wellbeing, the expectations became more strict. Whilst Jungkook thrived off structure, it felt as if his ability to maintain that focus on his studies was dwindling, mind being pulled in too many directions. School was easier when he didn't have to think about life outside of studies.

However, with these changes, brought a new type of comfort. Friendships that previously he would have ignored, were now cherished by the fifteen year old. Jongup, Junhong and Taeyong became his new company, spending lunch breaks in an empty classroom reading stupid jokes and imitating their annoying teachers. They brought safety to the boy who thought he'd lost it. Brought a smile he didn't think he could find anywhere else.

It was strange not having Taehyung and Jimin there. Even stranger it was not having his brother there. They were his safe space, no matter the level of chaos the trio brought.

So when the school bell rang, marking the end of the day, Jungkook bolted home faster than he ever had. It was times like these he was thankful he only lived a twenty minute walk away from the school.

The moment he reached his house he barrelled through the door, keys dropping to the entry table before bursting into his room to find Taehyung curled up on his bed reading a book.

"I had an idea!" He gasped for breath, skidding to a stop only to nearly collapse as his body registered the lack of oxygen flowing through him. The sudden intrusion of noise brought Taehyung from his own world, head darting up and smile instantly forming when he saw the pale grey jumper that had a swirling texture of white on it. Happy to see the boy was no longer wearing black.

"Hello to you too, how was school?" Jungkook shook his head, still breathing heavy as he pulled out his laptop and jumped onto the bed beside his friend.

"Boring, don't wanna talk about it. No, instead, idea," he spoke fervently. "What kind of clothing do you like to wear?" Folding his book and marking the page with a ribbon, Taehyung pushed it aside before settling in beside Jungkook to stare at what he was searching on his laptop.

"Don't know, I've never really cared." He'd been wearing Jungkook's clothes for the past few days for his own had all been destroyed when his house collapsed.

"From what I remember you liked to wear dark clothes." Jungkook mentioned, opening up a bookmarked page that led to a clothing site.

"Dark is boring though."

"Fine then, we'll find you a new style of clothing..." Taehyung didn't bother hiding his laugh at the pout on the boy's face. "Pick something you like, doesn't matter what." So the two spent the afternoon looking over different outfits until finally Taehyung decided on a few different choices that were more earthy and warmer tones, still muted compared to Jungkook's usual pastel, but warmer than grey and black.

"That should be plenty for the time being, who is even going to pay for these?" Jungkook grinned and proceeded to check out.

"My dad! He was one of the founders of this store, so we get discounted prices." That made more sense as to why they didn't just go to a shopping centre. Taehyung had never even spoken to the man that was Jungkook's father, he seemed to be a very quiet person, only meeting with his family for dinners and giving quick greetings in between meetings. "Okay all done! Clothes for Taehyungie on their way!" Taehyung cooed at the nickname, rubbing his nose against the boys cheek which in turn caused him to blush heavily.

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