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Trust was something that didn't come easy to a boy who had experienced the cruellest of beginnings. Growing up in a world where the person that brought you into it was your own worst nightmare did something to the mind. To have built this trust with someone that had filled him with wonder, only to have that torn from him by the reality that he had been once again taken control of felt painfully familiar. How does one continue to trust after this undoing of the very belief that trust is possible?

It was a question Jungkook could not answer as he watched Taehyung pace the bedroom, trying to get used to walking around. Most of the pain had subsided and now was a focus of rebuilding strength. He watched how Taehyung would mutter to himself, eyes flickering under the light. They mixed with various colours, so far having observed black, navy, grey, orange and for some reason a soft pink had flickered over his eyes for a split second before it changed back to grey.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook spoke up curiously. Crawling off the bed the two were now sharing, he grabbed onto the worried boy's arm to stop him from walking away. Bringing their hands together, he began to re-familiarise himself with every line of his palms. The gentle act of skinship brought a smile to the once worried frown Taehyung had been stuck in, wishing to run his fingers through the boys hair and blurt a million apologies. Though he had learnt very quickly that the continuous apologies only frustrated Jungkook. He knew Taehyung was sorry, but that didn't mend the hollowness that had spread through his chest.

"I'm just worrying about random things. Like you, you're worrying me the most." Jungkook hummed, pressing the pad of his thumb to Taehyungs as he focused on his hands, not looking up into his eyes. "I worry about my father as well, I don't know where he has gone since that day. I know he escaped, but I doubt the police will ever find him."

"How do you feel knowing he's out there somewhere?" Taehyung didnt answer straight away, almost certain his eyes would be displaying the frightening pitch black.

"Terrified ... How did you feel when you heard your mother was released from prison?" The personal question was unexpected, Jungkook pulling away to stare up into the darkness. For once, it was a comforting sight.

"Like I couldn't breathe," he murmured, trailing back to the bed and bringing Taehyung loosely with him. "I have always felt paranoid, but knowing she was somewhere she could not leave brought security. Now I don't know where she could be. I know legally she can't come near me, but I still fear it more than anything."

"Mmm, I check your window everyday, make sure it's locked before I sleep. If he ever saw me again, he would surely kill me." Jungkook nodded, pulling his hands away and grabbing onto his bunny plushy to hug it tight. "I don't know what I'm going to do now. I haven't got a home. I haven't got a family. I haven't got anyone really."

"You have me." He let his eyes trail up to see a bright sparkling blue that he hadn't seen in awhile. A subtle yet visible smile on the Taehyung's face.

"And I'm glad I do, as much as I know I need to earn it." Taehyung muttered, "I never want to hurt you." The one by his side nodded slightly, pressing his face to the comforting smell of his plush toy as he watched Taehyung fret. Before he could say anything further, Jungkook shuffled closer and pull his friend into a tight embrace, bunny toy squished in between them as Taehyung instantly melted into the warmth. "The way you listen and respond to my worries and my thoughts is all so new to me. I have never felt important to anyone except Jimin, but that is different. When you hug me, I... I don't know what to do."

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