[2] silver

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"Late again, Mr. Kim"

"I ... I ... So... sorry, I ... I got," he breathed deeply, trying to find the breath in his lungs to voice the words. " I got c-caught up..." Taehyung finally whispered as confidently as he could muster, knowing all eyes were on him. He hated being the centre of attention; any attention he once received hatred. He smiled mentally, proud for actually saying words and not just jumbled up noises that made laughter echo throughout the room.

"I'll let you off this time, but this is my final warning." The boy went to walk to his seat but halted when he realized it was no longer vacant. "Since you were absent, I leant your seat to our new student, so you'll have to be seated next to Mr. Park. That shouldn't be a trouble now should it?"

The teacher didn't wait for a reply, instead continuing his lesson on matters of force and other boring physics topics that Taehyung had no intention of listening to.

Taehyung was far too distracted, as he desperately tried to hide his excitement, walking over to his new - and improved - seating arrangement.

"Fancy seeing a handsome fellow like you sitting beside the school's greatest nerd." Taehyung chuckled, taking the seat and fishing out his notebook from the backpack that hung over his shoulder.

"I know right... absolute torture." The orange haired boy, Jimin, frowned, pinching his best friend's armpit, a yelp of pain escaping from the attacked boy's mouth, earning several stares of irritation. "Yah, you dimwit, I was joking..." groaned Taehyung lowly.

"Fine fine, but you owe me for that insult."

"You just pinched me, and I owe you? What even is your logic?" Jimin pouted.

"My logic is great thank you very much," he snapped.

"Oi, you two, pay attention!" Immediately they both shut up, turning to face the front with identical mischievous grins.


"Why'd you skip class this time?" Jimin asked nonchalantly like it was casual conversation, which in fact, it was.

"I found a new book. It's about the concepts of colours and how people explained them back then. It's really intriguing. You should read it sometime" Taehyung babbled on about nonsense, whilst not even touching his food, his best friend picking this up.

"Taehyung, don't tell me you're not eating again..." The boy frowned, looking down at his meal, his expression forming a frown; one his friend hated seeing.

"Jimin, I am eating, just..." He trailed off, now picking at the food that was already cold. "You know I don't want to worry you."

"but alas, I cannot help but worry."commented Jimin, putting down his own cutlery, as of finishing his meal.

"Come on, eat, then we'll go play on the piano or something." Taehyung liked the sound of that. He enjoyed playing on the piano, as it had a calming aura and he felt at peace whilst there.

„You know me too well." he responded contently right before picking up a leaf from his salad and popping it happily into his mouth. Jimin's smile appeared once again when he saw the slight shift of colour in Taehyung's eyes.


The two made their way to the music rooms, having a small amount of time to spare. They reached it in no time, as Taehyung practically ran there, Jimin following in his wake. breathless.

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