[48] decision

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"Jungkook? Why are crying?" A voice called from down the hall upon seeing the fifteen year old sitting outside an empty classroom. The voice belonged to his teacher, Jin approaching with a worried frown as he had been seeing the boy spending time with his new friends recently. Upon being spotted by his teacher, he tried to quickly tidy himself up, fingers wiping at his eyes and turning away.

"N-no reason... you should be going to teach your next class." The elder didn't budge. Instead he put down his laptop bag and took a seat beside the younger.

"Is it Taehyung? Hoseok said you were in a difficult place right now with him." No response. Jungkook kept his head down and didn't answer the question. "Can you please tell me? I can't help you if you don't let me." He placed a delicate hand on the student's shoulder, stopping him from furiously writing down notes in his book. "Your pencil looks ready to break with that grip on it." Jungkook sniffled, pulling his arms over his chest and crossing them tight, fingers reaching for his pocket where he retrieved a hastily folded piece of lined paper. A letter? "Does that paper have to do with it?" The silent boy nodded, twisting the paper over in his hands as he bit his lip and stared brokenly at it. "I'd love to sit here and play charades with you all day, but Jungkook I have a class. Is there anything I can help with?" He shook his head, looking up scarcely before turning away. "Okay, you know where you can find me. Please don't be afraid to come to me for help, I will always be here for you."

Two minutes after listening to Jin's slow departure, Jungkook began running his finger along the edge of the letter, he could faintly see neat and stylish hand writing through the thin sheet. Familiar and heart aching.

Taehyung had shown him nothing but love since he had confessed every feeling that he had become sick of holding alone. Each day after school he would race home to find the seventeen year old reading a new book, ready to kiss him hello and tell him all about the strange historian facts that weirdly made him sound like Jungkook's dad - granted they were all his books. Those moments were the highlight of his days now. Yet there was still a heaviness to the reality, that because of this selfish decision to love, Taehyung still didn't have a family.

This letter had been left on his desk this morning, distinctly written by Taehyung in his lovely handwriting he spent months perfecting. It had been caged inside Jungkook's pocket all morning, keeping him distracted from whatever his teachers were talking about.

One more class and he'd have to face the author, there was no more time to put this off. Taking a deep breath, he opened the letter and began to read:

Dear my Jungkook,

I know things between us are still unconfirmed. I know my assumptions of us being something official are too straightforward and quite possibly false. Even so, I can't help but feel like you were my destiny. Everything about you complements me in every possible way. Everything you do can brighten even my darkest moments.

I am sorry I can not be with you to comfort you through your new school year. Soon, I will return. I'll never leave your side again. Just give me time.

Your mother and I had a talk. She wanted to take me in, said she and your dad would've happily done the paperwork, but that Hoseok had spoken to her prior to our conversation. He explained our relationship and that he wanted something else. Your mother wants me to go into out of home care. She wants me to find a different family because she wants you to be happy. So do I. Even if I won't see you everyday, if I can kiss you every time I see your brightness, then a foster home is where I'll go.

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