Week 41 - Skydiving, Slammies, and Swag

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Song of the chapter on side! :) >>>>>>>>>>

Last chapter of Year 1! :O


                                            December 12, 2011


                            WWE Monday Night RAW LIVE!, Norfolk, Virginia, backstage area, around . . . 9pm

I'm going to be honest with you. The reason we're backtracking a little is because I neglected to mention a few things. You know, hectic holidays and what not.

You saw Christmas, you saw TLC. But now it's time to go back to the Slammies! Yay! Everyone's favorite time of the year! Sarcasm. I hate the Slammies. No one ever gets anything good and the Divas get cheated out of their rightful awards. But whatever. Let's get this over with.

* * *

“I don't see why I'm being subjected to this,” I sighed, dragging my heavy bags behind me. “The Slammies never bode anything well for anybody. I don't even have a match tonight!”

“All the better for your dress,” Kat commented. Alma and I went “UGH” at the same time. “I take it you guys don't like dresses?”

“Well, she does,” Alma said, pointed a thumb my way. I tutted.

“To a certain degree,” I clarified. “I don't like, wear them everyday or anything.”

“Well, good. The Slammies aren't every day,” Punk said, all sunshine and roses like he has been all day. I swear, he feels his baby girl kick once and he turns face before our eyes. I rolled my eyes.

“No ****, son,” I said.

“Is the soon-to-be Mrs. Brisbane gonna be here watching?” Alex asked, biting his lip. I gave him a look. He always bites his lip when he's trying not to laugh.

“Yes,” I rolled my eyes again. “She's going to be in front row center. Watching me. Thank gosh I don't have a match or else she'd be panicking throughout the whole d*** thing.”

“It's good to have a sister who cares about you so much,” Mike said.

“You clearly don't know my sister,” I sighed.

Upon angrily shoving myself into my dress (black, silky, flowy, with accents of red plaid, and it went down to my knees) I sat down in Alice, our resident hair lady's, chair and sighed.

“You okay?” Alice asked, taking a straightener to my mess of a mop.

“I just hate this,” I said. When she didn't say anything, I said, “The Slammies?”

“Oh, right!” She nodded. I leaned back and closed my eyes. “I hear they have something special planned for you, though.”

I snorted. “Yeah, I bet,” I said, my sarcasm evident to residents of China.

* * *

I walked, in Converse, to the Gorilla. I was supposed to accompany Alberto to a match next. Great. I was not in the mood for anything to do with wrestling today, despite it being my job. I know, I know. But it's your dream job and you love it and blah blah blah! Whatever, okay? My day's been crappy and I'm in a generally bad mood today. If my period's taking its sweet time to arrive, I'd like it to stop dilly-dallying so I can be sure that I don't have IED. My mood brightened a little when I saw AJ. At least she knows how to brighten up somebody's mood. She's always happy. I walked over to her, my hands behind my back.

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