Week 10 - Sexiest Men on the Planet? Yeah, sure.

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Song of the chapter on side :) >>>>>>


                                                              April 10th, 2011

                                                   “Gettin' Ready for Our Death”

                                                         Kathryn and Alex's condo, getting ready for the party, around... 12pm

“Can I please wonder further why you're making me do this?” Alex asked, attempting to hang streamers on the ceiling. Kat likes streamers.

“Because I'm doing everything else!” I said from the kitchen, mixing various dips. “Oh, and by the way, you can use a ladder.” I smirked at him as he tried to throw them at the ceiling. I guess since there's a sticky side on the top of them you can just throw them at the ceiling and they'll stick. But that's very stupid and time consuming.

“Well, thanks for not telling me that earlier, sweetie.” he said, shooting me a glare. “Hey, why isn't Kat helping us?”

“Because she never helps out with her own parties.” I said, stirring up some salsa. “Remember last time?”

“Oh, yeah.” he said, setting up a step-ladder. “But hey. Why are we getting this ready like, six hours before hand? This whole arrangement can be finished in three hours.”

“I know that! You think I'm stupid?” I asked. He took one hand off a pink streamer and put it on his hip, glaring at me with a knowing look. “That was a rhetorical question.” I said back, pissed off.

“I never vocally answered you!” he said back, keeping with the same stance. “So answer my question! Why are we doing this now as apposed to later?”

“Because this allows time for error! Like... you falling down and breaking your arm. Doing that earlier will allow time to go to the hospital.” I said, putting the stuff in the refrigerator.

“I'm not gonna fall down!” he yelled back, standing on the very top of the step-ladder

“Okay,” I said, walking over to him with folded arms. “You're like, six feet tall. You don't need to be on the very top of that thing.”

“I know that! You think I'm stupid?”

“Yes.” I said bluntly. He glared down at me before continuing.

“It's funner this way!”

“You mean more fun.” I corrected.

“I hate it when you use your proper grammar against me.” he said, hanging the last one that needed to be in his area of reach.

“I know.” was all I said. I turned around to look for something. “Hey, do you know where the--” I heard a big thump on the floor behind me then a grunt. I smirked and turned around to see him on the floor.

“Don't... say... a word.” he said, pointing a finger at me.

“Don't you feel stupid?” I laughed. He slowly got up, holding his back.

“I thought I told you not to say anything.” he said in pain.

“I know.” I said, just standing there watching him.

“You're a b****, you know that?” he asked, finally getting up. I smiled.

“Yes. But I'm less of a b**** when you're all hurt.” I said, fixing his insanely messed up shirt. A smile creeped onto his face and he grabbed my hand that was currently on his shoulder.

Bound for Glory - Year 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon