Week 37 - In Time We'll Find This Was No Surprise

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Song of the chapter on side :) I love this song!! :3 >>>>>>


                                                     November 30th, 2011

                                                “Down with the Sickness”

                                                The Condo (Chicago, Illinois), living room, watching TV, around . . . 8pm

“No! Margo didn't do it! Tony planned to have her killed!” I screamed at my TV as I watched an old movie on TCM.

“I take it Dial M for Murder is more tear-inducing than I remember it being?” AJ, my new roommate, asked in a tantalizing voice, picking up the festive Kleenex box that was right next to me. I glared at her a snatched the box from her hand.

“Shut it,” I said. I changed the subject. I'm sick and I don't feel like talking about tears right now. “How's being my roommate suiting you?”

“Well,” AJ started. “I've tried to resist the urge to kill your dog, but other than that, it's suiting me well!”

I laughed. “Hey, your dogs are no prince and princess either.”

“Hey, you leave Nacho and Pamela alone!” she said, smacking the back of my head. “I'm honestly shocked I haven't caught your sickness yet.”

“Me too,” I admitted. Then my attention turned to the girl next to me. The girl that's been on maternity leave for the past two, maybe three, months. “Hey, Bethany, gimme the M&Ms, will you?”

She passed them to me and smiled. AJ said, “Wait . . . you're sick and you're eating chocolate?”

“I'm also on my period. It's purely medicinal,” I said to her, popping a peanut M&M in my mouth.

“Also, I'm pregnant,” Bethany said, pointing to her stomach, her mouth full of chocolate candies.

She's visiting me after not seeing each other for a while. She got preggo with her old boyfriend Noel a while ago, so she's taken time off from wrestling to not kill her growing child.

“I noticed,” AJ laughed. “Hey, I'ma go shower, okay?”

“Yeah, go ahead,” I said, smiling at her.

*AJ's POV*

As I stood in the shower, I couldn't help but think of one thing and only one thing: Kathryn and Alex have had sex in here. It's a haunting feeling. Sure, this isn't the master bathroom, but they still might have—oh, stop it. It doesn't matter, does it? I mean, it ought to be clean by now if they have. Okay, not to self: stop thinking about other peoples' sex lives because yours sucks. You haven't actual had sex in a very long time, but that doesn't give you grounds to think about other people doing it. In fact, it makes you kind of a pervert. Gah.

I quickly washed my hair and conditioned, getting out as quickly as possible. I put on the lingerie I'd brought with me—no, lingerie does not always mean lacy, sexy, bedtime stuff—and slipped into gray sweatpants. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My wet hair still clung to my face a little and my eyes were a little red from staring at my computer for hours today. Productive, eh? I blew my hair dry and the smell of the provided raspberry shampoo wafted around me. Once my hair was beautiful and tanglely dry, I put on a black tank top and exited the bathroom with my fuzzy socks in hand.

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