Week 22//Part 1 - Announcements of High Importance, Part 1

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                                                            July 22nd, 2011


                                                                             On a RAW Tour in Texas, getting lunch, around . . . 2pm

So the past week since RAW has been great. Ever since Hunter took over as COO and Bischoff got sent back to his little hell hole known as Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, things have been way looser and way more fun. Houseshows are more lose and fun, there are more open scripts, the actual shows are more fun, it's just been great.

Anyway, tonight we're doing a houseshow in Fort Worth (pretty much where we are right now), and the boys went off to buy some new duds for . . . well, nothing, really, they just wanted an excuse to shop. Punk and Maria fled back off to Chicago to prepare for the Mini Punk that will be prancing around America enforcing Punk's Straight Edge legacy in 10 months. Maria was convinced that it's 9 months, but it's not. So they're pretty much completely off tours now. I have to say, it's a little lonely without Punkers around to make fun of me and get to make fun of him back. But Kat has gladly taken his place . . .

“How can you POSSIBLY carry all that weight in boobs all the time?” she asked me on the way to the all too classy restaurant we're currently at.

Seriously, I'm only a C-cup. Anyway, in other news, Kayla has been completely obliterated from my mind as of late. Ever since I injured her back at Money in the Bank, I've been so relaxed and happy. I've realized that a lot of my stress has been derived from being forced to tour and everything with her. Well, I guess that goes without saying, since she broke up me and Alex a while ago. D*** Leo girl.

But as of now, me, Kat, Bethany, and AJ (Kat hasn't forgiven her, mind you, but they're trying to settle this whole thing reasonably . . . not going very well), still looking pretty banged up, but better than she was at Money in the Bank, were all in line to order at . . . McDonald's. Behold, ladies and gents, the classiest restaurant Fort Worth, Texas has to offer 4 WWE Divas who are rich and eat at the classiest restaurants in the world almost all the time. However, we all love McDonald's for the most part; or, we used to, anyway. When we were kids. Now we just hate it.

“Party like a rock star, can I get a what now,” Kat sang along to the Big Time Rush song that was playing. AJ just rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

“I could go without hearing you sing to the lamest boy band in the history of America, Kat,” she said, looking out a huge wall-wide window to her right. Kat stopped singing then and there and flashed her a toothy smile.

“It's better than you singing pointless Kesha lyrics, April,” she shot back, still smiling brightly.

“Better watch your mouth before I go all Tik Tok on your face, Dawson!” AJ said, advancing on Kat. Kat's smile disappeared and she advanced on AJ.

“Bring it on, Mendez, 'cause EVERYONE'S gonna be forgetting about you soon enough,” she said back. Bethany and I yanked the two apart and groaned.

“Guys!” I snapped at them. “I'd really rather not draw so much attention to ourselves that we need to be escorted out of McDonald's of all places.”

“Yeah, guys, I don't like conflict,” Bethany said, shaking her head and holding AJ back by her shirt.

“Fine, we'll calm down,” Kat mumbled.

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