Week 27//Part 1 - I Used to Know You So Well . . ., Part 1

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Song of the chapter on side :) Gonna be the same song for all the parts of Week 27. Heads up. >>>>>>>


                                                            September 1st, 2011

   “Various Arguments Will Probably Lead to Something . . . and Then a Lovey Dovey Scene for Fun”

                                                                     Plane to Los Angeles, California, first class, around . . . 7am

Stress. That's something that's been consuming me for the past couple weeks. And rightfully so, I believe. Kat hasn't been talking to me much either. We're going to be living together until January and she's barely said a word to be except “Shotgun!” when we were piling into my Porsche to drive to the airport about an hour ago. Alex and I have been really awkward around each other as well; I know why I should be feeling awkward, but as to why HE is I don't know. Everything's tense . . . except Justin . . . he's been trying to lighten the mood . . . and he's not succeeding.

“Did you guys know that narwhals—” he started.

“Justin, shut up,” Alex said, rubbing his right temple.

“Why? You love narwhals,” Justin protested.

“Where as that is true, you're annoying as hell right now,” he said back. “And I'd rather not hear anymore about the random crap you find in Reader's Digest.”

“Why's your foot tapping so much?” Kat asked, addressing me for the first time since we boarded. I looked over at her and then down at my foot.

“Oh, just nerves.” I said quickly.

“About . . .?”

“You know, first major movie role . . . pretty nerve racking,” I said, smiling at her lightly. She didn't return my smile and just eyed me for a second before turning her eyes back to in front of her.

Suddenly, she yanked me out of my seat by my wrist and started dragging me to the bathroom, not bothering to let me recover from tripping over Alex's legs and almost breaking my nose, of course. Once she threw me into the cramped airplane bathroom, she shut the door behind her and locked it.

“What the hell were you screwing Jericho for?!” she whisper yelled. My eyes widened and I hesitated a minute before speaking.

“I never slept with Chris!” I retorted, stuttering A LOT. Kat just shook her head. She slapped me across the face and shoved me against the small counter on which the small sink was stationed.

“Yes you d*** well did, you little b****!” she spat at me. At this point I was a little shell-shocked. I couldn't find the opportunity to speak before she started on me again. “How could you do something so idiotic?! I thought you had more sense than this!”

“Stop yelling, people will hear us!” I whisper yelled. She breathed sharply and looked at me with a death glare.

“Fine. Would you like me to hit you instead?” she asked. Before I could answer with yes, she continued. “How could you do this to Alex? I thought you loved him!”

“I do!” I said back.

“Oh, really? Then why did you cheat on him for a SECOND time?” Kat asked, insanely angry.

“I don't know, okay?”

“Were you trying to get in character, or something? Because that seems like a possibility!” she said, throwing her arms out.

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