Week 20//Part 3 - The Edge of Glory

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                                                                     July 15th, 2011

                                                         “The Things I Never Knew”

                                                                       The Condo (Chicago, Illinois), living room, around . . . 12pm

*Kathryn's POV*

“I told you!” I yelled at Alex. “His mother was married to two men at the same time! Eric Holliday was his stepfather, and Guy Barr was his BIRTH father!”

“Okay! That's all you needed to say, you didn't have to launch into a full-on family back story!” he yelled back.

I've been trying to tell Alex the whole story of Marshall, but he's not quite getting it. Marshall's family is closely knit, but also very complicated. His mom, Penny, was married to two men at once: his stepfather Eric, and his birth father Guy—the one who died in the Army.

It's a day before my first Hell in a Cell match with Kayla—and Alex's first Money in the Bank match—and we're both pretty nervous in way of this being the first time we'd be competed in these types of stipulations.

“Sorry, just a little stressed out,” I apologized, sitting down on the couch and petting Oreo's head. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

“It's cool, so am I,” he laughed. “Hey, can I ask you something?”

“'Course.” I smiled.

“I know some stuff about your past after the giant wave of revelations the other day,” he said. I chuckled a bit and he kept talking. “but I'm kinda jonesing to find out more.”

“You are?” I asked, a little surprised.

“Yeah! I mean, after finding out that your dad died and you had a fiancé and have six nieces and nephews and that Undertaker's your uncle I feel like I'm totally clueless about you!” he said admittedly. I laughed a bit and settled into him.

“Well, I'm not exactly keen on telling people my entire biography,” I said, sitting up. “So you'll have to like, look it up on Wikipedia or contact my family because I don't like talking about myself too much. It makes me stutter like I did when I was a kid and I don't like it.”

“You used to stutter? See, that's something right there!” he said, kinda laughing. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

“I have a lot of pain to go along with my past, and I don't like to talk about it,” I said, folding my arms. He stayed seated and shrugged.

“I don't feel weird talking about MY past,” he said.

“That's because you grew up rich as a b**** and was a varsity quarterback for gosh sakes,” I said, putting a hand on my hip. He shrugged again.

“Well,” he waved it off. “no pressure. I'll just call your brother or your sister or someone.”

“They'll just tell you that I'm a loper sellout,” I warned, walking into the kitchen and getting juice.

“What?” he asked confused.

“Yeah,” I rolled my eyes. “Carmen and Jack both aren't my favorite people and they feel the same about me in return. Even though I sat by Carmen's bedside every day she was in the hospital after her accident no matter WHAT.” I slammed the full-of-fruit-punch glass on the counter on “What”.

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