Week 17 - Never Trust a Person from England

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                                                                June 19th, 2011

                                                             “It's Been a While”

                               WWE Capitol Punishment (Washington D.C.), backstage lounge, around . . . 9pm

Well, it's June. June 19th. The day of the first ever WWE Capitol Punishment pay-per-view. A lot has happened in the past month. My team defeated Kayla's at Extreme Rules after Kat pinned Velvet Sky when we still had three team members left, Kelly Kelly lost the Women's Championship to Melina at Over the Limit, which will prove to be very interesting, I defeated Kayla in a title match the same night, Mike and Alex fell out after Mike fired him live on RAW (which I have not heard the end of, by the way), and Maria and Punk decided to have an indoor ceremony next month. Wow.

ALSO, Shelby decided to retire early and go back to Michigan to teach Karate. She left in the middle of last month and I'm still sad. But the mood was lightened by me turning 23 and realizing that I'm the youngest Divas Champion EVER in the history of EVER. It's awesome making history. I decided not to celebrate my birthday with a party, considering the fact that all our parties go awry all too quickly, the gang and I just hung out, ate some cake, and played SmackDown Vs. RAW 2011. Bethany and Cody are getting VERY serious. I think he's thinking about proposing . . . risky business when it comes to Beth—well, no, she'd totally say yes in a heartbeat.

Kayla hasn't gotten off my back about courting Alex. Especially since we've gotten a lot closer over the past month. She still thinks that he has a thing for her after dumping her ass in December. Delusional. She's been giving my title the sexy eye, too. To be honest, it makes me uncomfortable the way she stares at that thing. I think she may be in love with it.

Well, anyway, as of this minute in time, the second match of Capitol Punishment as just ended, and I suppose you could say that I was a LITTLE happy.

“YES!!!! SUCK IT, ALMA! WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!” I yelled, practically jumping up and down. Alma just sat on the couch, giving the TV a death stare.

“I hate you.” she said.

“DON'T HATE THE PLAYER, BABY, HATE THE GAME!” I yelled, now dancing. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me back onto the couch. “What's your problem?”

“My problem is my Mikey is hurt!” she said, almost crying at the sight of the almost dead Mike.

“Oh, suck it up, he'll survive.” I said, my voice cracking from excitement.

“Go get ready for your match, jerk.” she said back. I looked at her confused.


“Yeah, you have a match tonight!” she said. “Against Kayla, you're defending your title. No one told you?”

“No,” I said, sitting back in my seat. “I can't say anyone did.”

My upsetness didn't really last that long . . .

“Yeeeeaaaah, baby, I woooon!!” Alex said, leaning on the door frame, holding his stomach with one hand and fistpumping with the other. I smiled and ran over to him, giving him a hug.

“Congratulations, Alex!” I said. He hugged me back and gave me a kiss.

“Thanks, babe. Hey, you're licensed massage therapist, right?” he asked.

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