Week 15//Part 3 - Europe Brings Scenery of Many Kinds, Part 3

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                                                              April 23rd, 2011

                  “'Getting Fired and Getting Killed Are Two VERY Different Things'”

                                        Friday Night SmackDown!, backstage area, about to die, around . . . 9:30pm

I turned around to see Eric Bischoff standing behind me with an angry look on his face. I almost dropped the water bottle I was holding.

“Prince, we need to talk,” he said, hands on hips.

“A-about what?” I asked, playing the innocent act. I was gonna get fired, I just knew it.

“Oh, I think you know EXACTLY what I want to talk about,” he said, holding up the picture of me and Alex at the airport. I took it in my hand and looked at it.

“Jeez, you printed it?” I asked, squinting my eyes at it.

“Don't be a smart ass, Prince. You went against your contract and—”

“And YOU can't make me break up with my boyfriend and make it so that I'd get fired if I were to ever show PDA with him again because of your personal distaste!” I threw back at him. He took a step back.


“No, you listen to ME. I'm not gonna stand here and be told that I can't see who I want to see just because you don't like it. You can't do that, Bischoff, in case you didn't know. You obviously have some serious issues if you can't get past who I want to spend time with on MY time.” I said, taking a couple steps closer to him. “If you have a problem with me seeing Alex, then take it to court for all I care! Make a complete ass of yourself for all I care!”

Just then, like, FIVE beefed out Security people walked up behind him and a smirk grew on his face. They started to walk towards me and I stepped back.

“Listen, boys, being fired and being killed are two VERY different things. A-and I don't think that the second option is very nice, do you?” I said, walking backwards.

“Oh, I'm sorry! Is there a problem here?” someone said from behind me. I prayed that it was someone I wanted to see. It wasn't. Well, it WAS, but it wasn't who I thought would show up.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Bischoff asked him.

“Well, Riley's completely unaware of this situation and I was just strolling along!” Mike said, stepping up to my side. I couldn't help but smile.

“Just stay out of this Miz, you're of no concern in this matter,” Bischoff waved him off and looked back at me.

“Well, actually,” Mike said, snapping his fingers to get Eric's attention. “I am. See, Alex is my best friend and so is Kathryn here. So technically, I AM of concern in this matter of yours.”

“Okay, then, just what do you plan to do?” Eric asked, pushing the Security guys back.

“Well, I was thinking a beat down, but I obviously can't take on all these guys by myself, now can I?” Mike said, gesturing behind him. I looked back to see John, Cody, Justin, and Punk come up behind us. I looked back at Bischoff and snickered at his scared face.

“But we certainly can!” Cody said.

“And gladly will,” Punk added.

I slowly walked away from the situation and from where I could get hurt if they go at it and watched the rest happen. Suddenly, a HUGE fight broke out between Mike, Punk, Cody, John and the five Security guys. I stumbled back a little after almost being tackled by Cody and Security Guy #1. I decided to get in on the action, too. So when Security Guy #4 threw Cody into the water bottle table, and started running at me, slid my title off my shoulder and into my hands then hit him with one hard shot to the face. He was knocked down to one knee by it, so I decided to get something more powerful. I put my title on a crate and folded up a steel chair, after pushing Zack Ryder out of it, of course.

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