Week 23//Part 2 - Hawaii//Part 2 - Over and Over

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Song of the chapter on side :) >>>>>>


                                                        August 1st, 2011

                              “Dream of Things That Could Have Been”

                                                                                       Ilikai Hotel, my room, still sleeping, around . . . ???

Yesterday had been a day of, well, excitement, I suppose you could say. I fell asleep thinking about what Kat said on the beach before we started to beat each other up. She actually got a couple good shots in, surprisingly enough. But aside from the pain on my face, I was oddly happy while thinking last night. And as thinking turned to dreaming, I got a little subconsciously worried.

I was walking down the hallway of a hotel somewhere in New York at around dusk. I was dressed in a black mini skirt, black pumps, and a tight, sparkly black tank top—something I'd never wear except for the shirt. My hair was curled, dare I say, seductively and it bounced with a certain air of evilness. I turned on my heel and stopped in front of a door marked “122”. I rose my hand slowly and knocked on the door a couple times slowly. I waited with a slight smirk on my face and my hands behind my back. When the door opened I saw John standing there in ripped jeans and a black dress shirt, half unbuttoned. He had a jeweled cross necklace dangling from his neck.

Welcome. Please come in,” he said, smirking at me and taking my hand, leading me into his apartment.

His place was decorated with candles scattered around the room and red satin curtains over the windows. He let go of my hand once I was inside and I walked a little ways into the large apartment. I heard the door close and some soft footsteps come up behind me. He came up really close behind me and pushed part of my hair behind my ear. I could feel his breath on my hear and shuddered a little. He came around in front of me and took my hand again.

Let's move things right along, shall we?” he said quietly, bringing me in closer to him. I turned my head from him quickly just as he was about to kiss me. “What's wrong, my love?”

I can't do this, it's wrong,” I said, trying to walk away. He chuckled deeply and smirked at me again. He stroked my hair and pulled me back to him.

Stop thinking about him,” he commanded. “I can make you so much happier.” He shook his head and looked down at me meaningfully.

How can you be so sure?” I asked, staring back into his brown eyes. He started twirling a piece of my hair around his finger, calming me down a little.

I just know,” he said. “Let this happen. You won't regret this.”

With that, he leaned into me and kissed me with an immense amount of passion. I kissed back without thinking about it and actually enjoyed it. I put my hands on his neck and leaned into the kiss more. Just as he was bringing my shirt up, I felt an intense pang of pain on the left side of my head.


I fell like I fell head first onto a bunch of rocks. In reality, I fell onto the floor, my head hitting the corner of my bedside table on the way down.

“Owwwwuh,” I groaned, holding my head, my blankets twisted around me in various directions.

“You better have been dreaming about kissing me,” Alex said, standing above me with folded arms. I looked around and saw Kat and Alma standing next to him. I winced at the sunlight coming in through the window and tried to untangle myself from my blankets.

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