Week 39 - An Embarrassingly Pink Wedding

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                                                          December 15, 2011

                                                         “Family Reunion”

                                                                  Grand Rapids, Michigan, a road to downtown, around . . . 2pm

“Where exactly are we going again?” my cousin Samantha asked me as we road in a limo just outside downtown Grand Rapids. My sister's wedding was today and you could say that I was less excited than I should have been.

“Saint Mary's Catholic Church,” I answered, looking out the tinted window at nothing.

“We're not Catholic,” Samantha said. I sighed.

“We're not really anything, Sam. So how about you go on about how we're gonna be at a church all day?” I snapped. She leaned back.

“Someone's touchy.”

I was, actually, a little bit touchy. Ever since Saturday, my friends have been on my case about myself and Alex. We got back together, and now everyone won't stop asking questions or whatever else they can think of to annoy us.

“Do you have your note?” Samantha asked, holding up hers. I dug in my bag and found the shiny pink envelope Carmen gave everyone to write their well wishes in. It's a tradition in my family to write a note of good will to the married couple that they'd open on their honeymoon. I'd procrastinated and hadn't written it yet.

“Um . . .” I eyed the blinding envelope—seriously, I think that Carmen only sees pink—with rueful eyes. We're fifteen minutes from the chapel and I hadn't written any well wishes for my sister yet. Probably because I didn't have any. What was the use of writing a lie to someone?

“You haven't written it yet?!” Samantha exclaimed, her jet black hair falling into her face. Her carefully styled bangs covered up the entirety of her forehead. I shrugged at her.

“No?” I said, fingering the soft parchment stationed within the envelope. “I don't really have anything to say.”

“Well, then think of something! You know how Carmen is,” Samantha said. I rolled my eyes.

“Give me a pen,” I sighed. She handed handed me a black ballpoint pen and I took the cap off, putting it on the end of the pen.

Best of luck in your life together. Hope the pregnancy goes well. Tell Marcus I said hello.

-Your sister, M

“There, I thought of something,” I said bluntly, stuffing the parchment back into the envelope. Samantha gave me a look.

“'Tell Marcus I said hello'?!” She threw her hand up. “You're gonna see him today! Also, you didn't even write out your whole name. You just put 'M.'”

“I was there, I know what I wrote,” I said, afterword licking the envelope shut and putting it back in my bag. Samantha snorted.

“You really don't want this wedding to happen, do you?” she asked.

“I don't like Marcus,” I said, not beating around the bush. “I do not like him. At all. I just don't. He isn't right for my sister. OR my niece.”

“Wow,” she said, leaning back a little. “Why?”

“Because . . .” I struggled for something. I really didn't like him, I just didn't know the words to use. “He's just a jackass! That's the gist of it.”

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