Week 40 - An Extraordinary Merry Christmas

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Song of the CHRISTMAS chapter on side :) >>>>>>>


                                                            December 25, 2011

                               “Hoe, Hoe, Hoe, under the Mistletoe!”

                                                                                                    Christmas Day, The Condo, around . . . 6am

Tell me again why I'm letting my ex room with me and AJ? Oh, yeah. It's because stupid Mike and stupid Alma won't let him freeload off of their stupid apartment anymore. Stupid niceness my mother passed on to me. D***it.

“AJ!” I yelled from the living room. I swear, this girl is going to drive me insane.


“We're gonna be late! Get your butt down here!” I walked into the kitchen to throw away the wrapper from the Cliff Bar I'd just finished.

“Tell me again why she's living here?” Alex asked me, giving me a withering smile.

“Because she has nowhere else to go,” I replied with the same smile and voice.

“What about her old place?” He shrugged.

“The wasps, remember?” I said.

“I thought they exterminated them.”

“They laid eggs,” I said. “Lots of eggs. And made nests.” Alex made a face. “Yeah. So, she's rooming with us at least until she can find somewhere else to stay.”

“And how long will that be?” He sounded annoyed now.

“What does it matter? The three of us are friends!” I said, sliding my fleece jacket on.

“Well, yeah, but I can't handle living with so much girl,” he said, walking into the living room to retrieve his bag. I snorted. “I'm serious! Growing up, it was me, my brother, my dad, and my mom. That was perfect. But now, I have no father or brother to live with and am surrounded by maxi pads, lip gloss, and hair products that smell like a super tanker of potpourri exploded!”

I let out a loud laugh and zipped up my jacket. “It's nothing more than what it was like a few months ago when it was just you and me.”

“No. It's that times two,” He pointed a finger at me and I gave him a look.

“So? You should be used to it by now!”

“No man should have to go through this,” he continued. I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Men are not accustomed to dealing with . . .” He made waving motions at me with his left hand. “. . . lady business.”

“'Lady business,'” I repeated incredulously. He gave me a look this time. “Sorry.”

“Okay, guys, I'm ready!” AJ said hurriedly, coming down the stairs quickly.

I think we all looked pretty nice. I was wearing worn, bootcut jeans, black Converse, and a red and gray Henley. Alex hadn't really thought about what he was wearing, but ended up looking pretty good in jeans and a black v-neck sweater with a white undershirt. Mmm. And AJ had on light skinny jeans, a long sleeve yellow t-shirt, and a black blazer.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.

“Text from Punk! We're late!” I said, jogging to the front door.

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