Week 3 - I Met Somebody Cute and Funny

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                                                                   January 30th, 2011

                                                            “Royal Rumble, Baby!!”

                                                                                 WWE Royal Rumble, backstage area, around... 7:45pm

I JUST arrived for the pay-per-view five minutes ago. And despite my match being an hour in to the show, they consider me late today. I was sad that I didn't have my entourage with me backstage, but I helped them buy front row tickets, so I'll see them later. As will a very surprised Eric Bischoff... *Evil laugh*

“You exited for your match tonight?” asked Kelly Kelly, who's featured in a Diva Rumble tonight to determine the #1 Contender.

“Yeah! Not nervous in the least.” I said, putting on my gloves. “What about you?”

“Nervous as all hell.” she said bluntly. I laughed a little and she did as well. “I am! Don't laugh! You'd be nervous too if you were in a Diva Rumble that could change your career!”

“Um, hello? Earth to Kelly! I'm in a submission match against one of the most skilled competitors in the WWE! Have some sympathy for me, please.” I said, folding my arms.

“I know. Hey, I--” she began, before getting but off by Melina stepping in between us.

“Well, well, well! If it isn't the little nobody talking to the walking skank machine!” she said smugly. I rolled my eyes and lifted my title up on my shoulder.

“What do you want, Melina? I'm kinda busy right now, in case you didn't notice with your loads of fake hair flopping in your face.” I said, twirling a piece of her hair tauntingly. She slapped my hand out of the way and snarled at me.

“Someone looks a little nervous, eh, Aeryn? Scared you're idiotic title reign won't last so long?” she asked. I laughed at this.

“Really, Melina? Really? That's what you have to say? For your information, I'm not nervous. Hell, I'm actually overjoyed!” I said, smiling. She looked a little surprised at my reaction.

“Really? You're not scared at all?” she asked, sounding a little flustered. I guess she feeds off of fear. Haha.

“No. I'm not. See you out there, Mel.” I said. I threw my hand in her face and walked off. Kelly just covered her mouth in laughter and walked off. Melina stood there looking after me.

See, this past week as been anything but ecxiting. Couple arguments, couple trips to the mall with the gang, couple visits from Andjelyse, nothing special. Or, at least it WAS boring until Thursday.


“Guys!! I'm going out, okay?!” I yelled, as I put my jacket on.

“OKAY!” they all yelled from different parts of the apartment.

I left the building and walked out to my car with a smile on my face. I was weirdly happy that day. I got in my car and drove to a mall that I haven't been to before in West Chicago. Not without rocking out to various music my roommates hate along the way, of course. Once I arrived at the mall and walked through the big entrance, I awed at how large it was. I found this place on the internet, thought I'd check it out. I walked around for a long time, taking in the sites. I felt the sun on me through the big skylight above me on the second floor. Imagine this place when it's raining! I grabbed a Twizzler from a candy cart and gnawed on it slowly. I was getting ready to head out with my Twizzler when I saw someone that I vaguely know, someone from RAW, that's for sure. I walked past them, sneaking a side view at them to see that it was The Viper himself. I hadn't actually... EVER talked to him since I got here a couple weeks ago. I decided to talk to him, you know.. introduce myself?

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