Week 31//Part 1 - Two Days, Many Feelings

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                                               October 23rd, 2011

                                                   “Count Out”

    WWE Vengeance, AT&T Center (San Antonio, Texas), Kathryn Prince vs. Kasey Angel, around . . . 9pm

*No POV*

The following contest is a Submission Match, and it is to unify the WWE Women's Championship and the WWE Divas Championship!” Justin Roberts announced to the live Texas crowd.

The on-screen feud between Kathryn Prince and Kasey Angel has intensified over the past couple of weeks. With Randy Orton serving 2-5 years in prison and released from his WWE contract, as decided in court on the 8th of the month, Prince has been more focused on making the feud as good as possible for the WWE Universe.

Introducing first: from Chicago, Illinois, she is the WWE Women's Champion: Kasey Angel!” the RAW ring announcer said as Kasey Angel's music hit.

As she came out, she was wearing shiny black and was holding her title high for all to see. She slapped hands with a few fans on the way down to the ring. She slid into the ring and got up on a turnbuckle, gaining another pop from the crowd as she held her belt up again. She hopped off the turnbuckle and stood ready for her opponent.

As Kathryn Prince's music hit, she received a loud chorus of boos from the audience.

And introducing next: from Grand Rapids, Michigan, she is the WWE Divas Champion: Kathryn Prince!” Justin Roberts announced as Kathryn came out with a leather, sleeveless duster coat on over her matte finish royal blue attire.

She seemed to ignore the fans in live attendance as she walked down to the ring. She waved off a couple teenagers bad-mouthing her in the front row as she got up on the apron. She eyed Angel for a moment before stepping into the ring through the top and middle ropes. She handed her title to the referee and took off her duster, folding it up and handing it to the ringside crew. Angel handed her title to the referee and he held them both high as Prince's music faded out and they were on opposite sides of the ring. Before the bell rang, they were held apart by the ref as they trash talked each other. Once the bell rang, they didn't hesitate to tear each other apart.

Closing moments of the match

Prince had Angel in a leg-lock around her ribs. Angel attempted to pry Prince's legs off of her, but to no avail. Eventually, Prince let her go out of frustration at her not tapping and picked her up by her hair. 12 minutes into the match, both wrestlers were tired. Prince took Angel out of the ring, beginning her 10 count to get back in, and backed up a few yards from the steel steps. She ran forward with Angel still in her grasp and threw her headfirst into the steps, a sickening crashing sound echoing to the fans even up in the rafters. Prince did nothing else but grab her title and hold it up to Angel's face.

When the time is right, Kasey,” she said, shoving Angel's face out of hers when she was done. She put her belt over her shoulder and began to walk out.

She let the ref's count go to 10 with a smirk on her face, rising her title in the air on the final count.

Ladies and gentlemen, this match has ended in a double count out!” Justin Roberts announced as Prince walked up the ramp with her title clutched at her shoulder.

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