Week 31//Part 2 - A Sage & Sienna Wedding

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                                               October 25th, 2011

                                              “Dress Shopping”

                                                  Marketa's Dress Shop (Chicago, Illinois), main room, around . . . 11am

“Are you sure it's okay to just take a day off with no notice like this?” AJ asked, leaning back on the ottoman she was sitting on.

“Yes, I'm sure,” Maria said, waving AJ's concern off. She was looking in a floor-length mirror at the VERY small baby bump showing under her tight white thermal shirt.

“I simply do not believe it,” the owner of the dress shop, Marketa Uccello, said, not sparing any feelings. “One day you're coming into my shop pure and in need of a white dress. And now, you're BACK and in need of one in a nice ivory.”

Maria narrowed her eyes at the woman. Then, she smiled and looked nice and sweet. “Do you have any children?” she asked, probably meaning to be insulting.

“Children, my dear, are a curse,” Marketa said, handing a dress to Maria. “They're time-consuming devils is what they are.”

We all looked shocked at her until she laughed and waved us off.

“I have four children,” she said, revealing the joke. We all breathed with relief.

As Maria walked into the dressing room, Kat turned to me with a smile on her face.

“So . . . it's morning,” she said, resting her cheek on her hand. I nodded and smiled lightly. “Had a few dreams last night and sort things out?”

“It's cute that you think I slept last night,” I laughed, stabbing the cake on my plate with my fork. She laughed as well.

“But he's out of your mind, right?” she asked. I nodded as I swallowed cake.

“Yeah,” I lied, taking a sip of champagne. I actually hadn't stopped thinking about him all morning.

“Cool,” she said.

“Okay, you guys! I think this is the one!” Maria announced from the dressing room. We all set down the food and drink in our hands and turned to the dressing room.

“Well, show us already!” AJ urged.

“Well, apparently my baby bump isn't too big for a normal wedding dress, so . . .” She came out of the dressing room after she said that.

It was a spaghetti strap dress—white—with rhinestones sprinkled about the corset and down the right side of the skirt. It was flowy and had a short train. It also had a cropped white jacket with long sleeves. Her baby bump barely showed at all. She twirled around and squealed in happiness.

“'Ria, you look amazing!” Alma exclaimed.

“I know!” Maria agreed.

“It's very expensive,” Marketa said, rubbing her chin with her thumb.

“I know,” Maria agreed, this time in a deadpan tone.

“That'll be seventy-two thousand dollars, Ms. Kanellis,” Marketa said, dryly looking at her customer.

“Hand me my purse, will you?” Maria reached out with one hand to AJ, the closest to her purse. AJ did as told.

“That's A LOT of money, though,” she said. “It's not like your Kate Middleton.”

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