Week 5//Part 1 - New Names, New Revelations

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                                                                  February 28th, 2011


                                                           Monday Night RAW LIVE!, NYC, backstage area, around... 8:30pm

“But... you hardly ever talk to Justin. Why would he give you a rose for Valentine's Day?” I asked Kat as we walked down the halls before RAW, recalling the events of after Elimination Chamber. She just shrugged.

“I don't know! Maybe he wants to get to know me better. A subtle approach to wanting to be my friend.” she said confident in her answer. I looked at her.

“And giving you a single deep red rose the week after Valentine's Day saying, 'I know it's a little late, but you deserve it' is subtle?” I asked. She tutted and nodded.

“Well, no. Not exactly. But Alex said the 'I know it's a little late' part. So shame on you for mixing up their words!” she said, giving me the 'shame on you' gesture. “Besides, I could say the same for you and Alex! I haven't seen you guys hang out or have a real conversation with each other in... well, ever.”

“That's because you didn't go to the mall with me the Thursday before Elimination Chamber!” I retorted.

“I was busy!”

“Busy!” I repeated laughingly. “You stayed home... so that you could make sure that the guys didn't burn the house down while they made dinner.”

“And that's exactly what I did! Your point?”

“My point is that you stayed in your room, painted your nails for an hour, and when you came out we needed a new couch!” I yelled.

“Okay, okay.” she said humbly. “Maybe I was a LITTLE irresponsible then. But my point is that Alex Riley wouldn't just kiss you on the lips in public for no good reason! And thus far, since you have told me NOTHING, I know no reason!” she yelled, throwing her arms out to the side.

“I can say the same for Justin and you! And you CAN'T give me a good reason because I know for a FACT that you don't have one.” I said matter of factly. She opened her mouth to say something but she stopped herself.

“You're right, I got nothin. But what's yours? Why should he have kissed you? What happened in the mall with you two?” she spoke with a flurry of questions.

“Well, if you must know,” I began.

“And I must.”

“We ran in to each other while I was walking around leisurely. Well, I ran in to him. He caught me and we started talking. I tripped over my own two feet, he caught me, and I realized that he has the second sweetest and dorkiest smile I've ever seen in my entire life. As to why HE wants to kiss me, I don't know. I'd tell you if I knew.” I said honestly. Silence fell over us as we turned a corner in the hallway. Just as we did, she snapped her fingers.

“By George, I've got it!” she shouted out of no where. I whipped my head around to her and stopped in my tracks.

“What is it?” I said with a slight laugh in my voice.

“Did you smile back at him?” she asked.

“Um, yeah. Of course.” I said confusedly.

“Maybe you're smile is great, too! Maybe he loves your smile just as much as you love his.” she said. I was about to say something before she ever so rudely interrupted. “You're welcome.” she tagged on like she just discovered the cure for cancer and was in a meeting with the president of the United States, accepting a lifetime achievement award.

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