Week 16//Part 3 - Violence of All Kinds, Part 3

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                                                             April 28th, 2011

                                                                 “Big Night”

                                  Local grocery store (Chicago, Illinois), shopping with the gang, around . . . 5pm

“When does the party start again?” Mike asked, leaning on the cart as he pushed it.

“Eight. That means we have an hour and a half max to shop, then another hour and a half to get decorations up and get the food ready.” I answered, jotting stuff down in a notebook.

“Why are you so stressed out about this?” Kat asked. I looked up from my notebook and to her.

“Because I want this to go better than the WrestleMania party we had in our hotel room,” I said, shuddering at the memory along with everyone else. “I want this to be perfect.”

“Okay, Kath,” Mike said, us now walking down the liquor aisle. “our experience with parties is, to put it lightly, crap. You're getting your hopes up too high. Just let it play out the way it's gonna.”

“Whatever.” was all I said, not really paying mind to anything he was saying; I never really do.

As we walked nearer to the beer portion of the aisle, I noticed Bethany walked towards one of the shelves. I ran over to her and slapped her hand just as she was about to grab a six-pack.

“OW!” she yelled, retracting her hand. “What was that for?”

“The reason our parties always turn disastrous is alcohol. So NO!” I said back.

“Dude, you're like a Balkanese puppy, just move.” John said, kinda laughing. I rose an eyebrow and snorted.

“There's no such thing as a Balkanese puppy, John.”

“Yes, it's a combination of a balky and a pekingese,” he said back. “It means you're cute yet willful.”

I put my hands on my hips and glared at him. “It means I have a smashed-in face.”

“Makes sense for all the snoring you put poor Alex through,” Mike chimed in. I DON'T snore. I promise you, ask anyone.

“Okay, Crazeater, you can stop now. Oh, that's a combination of crazy and an anteater.” I said.

“Why the hell am I a crazy anteater?” he asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

“Because you're crazy, you got a big nose, and you suck!” I flashed him a big smile. His comeback was interrupted by Bethany.

“I wanna be something like Snarlufflepagus. Snarly plus Snuffleupagus.” she said, swinging her arms back and forth.

I began to speak, “But you're not snarl—”

“Grrrrrrrrrr! Let us get the beeeee-rrrrrrrr!” she . . . ahem, snarled at me.

“Okay, Snarlufflepagus, get the d*** beer.” I said, giving up and walking away from her. That chick's freaking crazy.

“So, where IS Alex right now? You don't even know, do you?” Alma asked. She thinks that I don't pay attention to these things and calls be a bad girlfriend for it. She cut me off, “You're a horrible girlfriend, you know that?”

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