Week 23//Part 1 - Hawaii//Part 1 - The Take-Off

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                                                       July 30th, 2011

                                                      “The Build Up”

                                                           The Condo (Chicago, Illinois), packing for Hawaii, around . . . 4pm

“Alex, can you get your d*** dog OFF my suitcase?” I groaned, standing next to the bed, which had my suitcase, and Oreo, on it. Alex just laughed and walked over next to me.

“I think she's implying that she wants you to take her with you,” he said, scratching her head.

“Yeah? Well, I'm not,” I said, trying to push the border collie off the suitcase. Me being unsuccessful just made Alex laugh, which made me mad. “What's so d*** funny?!”

“That you're a professional wrestler, can kick anyone you choose's ***, and yet you can't get a dog off a suitcase,” he answered, stifling laughter as he spoke. I narrowed my eyes at him and breathed sharply.

“If you weren't six-four and could kick MY *** you'd be on the floor right about now,” I said, walking over to another side of the bed, seeing if I could push her off at another angle.

“Please,” he said, walking over to his suitcase, which was dog free. “I'd make you tap faster than you could even TRY, honey. Besides, it's been done before.” He threw me a wink with that and I just glared at him.

"Don't flatter yourself,” I grumbled, trying to get Oreo off the suitcase. “D***it, you stupid dog!”

“Here,” Alex laughed, walking out of the room. He came back about a minute later with a bag of dog treats. He held it up and shook it a couple times. Oreo jerked her head over to him and sat up and licked her lips. He took out a treat from the bag and held it up. “Come here, Oreo, come on!”

She jumped off the suitcase and ran over to him, eating the treat right out of his hand. I quickly zipped up my suitcase and set it down next to my other two. Since my back was facing him, Alex wrapped his arms around me from behind me and kissed the top of my head.

“So you really got our absence cleared with Hunter?” he asked. I rested back on him a little and smiled.

“Yep,” I answered. “It took some convincing, but I did it.”

“You got him drunk, didn't you?” he asked, looking down at me suspiciously.

“Babe, you know that's my specialty!” I laughed, wrapping my arm around his neck.

He laughed and began kissing me with a lot of passion. I turned around so that we were facing each other and continued kissing him. We were interrupted by Oreo squeezing between our legs, pushing us apart. She sat down in between us and looked up at us panting.

“****block,” Alex mumbled under his breath, walking over to his suitcase. I just laughed and slung my messenger bag over my shoulder and got my other luggage.

“Stay off the internet while we're gone, Oreo,” I joked, turning around to face the loyal dog, who was lounging carelessly on our bed. “Your sitter will see to that.”

“What's she gonna look at, Kathryn?” Alex asked, getting his stuff. “Doggy porn?”

"Gross, she's not YOU, Alex,” I joked, walking out the bedroom door.

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