Week 18//Part 2 - Things Never Go the Way They're Planned, Do They?

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                                                                         June 29th, 2011

 “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something—Oh, Just Pick One Already!”

                                                     Marketa's Dress Shop (Chicago, Illinois), downtown, around . . . 1pm

“Maria, how are you JUST NOW picking out a dress?” AJ asked as we (her, Alma, Kat, and I) all sat around eating cake and drinking champagne as Maria looked through some wedding dresses.

“Because I've been busy with everything else! Phil's been no help.” she said, holding up a silk gown to her.

“Too straight, I'd go with a more poofy look for your figure,” the owner, Marketa Uccello (a woman of about 35 with bleach blonde hair and a figure far more in need of a poofy dress than Maria's), walking into the room with some suggestions. Maria nodded politely and took the dresses in her hands, turning away and rolling her eyes at the lady afterward.

“Anyway,” she said, walking into a dressing room. “he's been so involved with his three-day bachelor party that—”

“I'm sorry, but did you just say 'three-day bachelor party'?” Kat asked. Maria chuckled a bit.

“Yeah, it's this weird thing WWE Superstars do before they get married. Or, I'm sorry, 'tie on the ball and chain.'” she said, walking out of the dressing room wearing the most hideous dress on Earth. “Please tell me you guys think this one sucks.”

“Oh, yeah, totally sucks.” I said, shaking my head as I looked at it. She laughed and went back into the dressing room. “So, what's a three-day bachelor party include activity-wise?”

“Oh, probably poker the first day, eating and belching contests the second day, and strippers to top it all off on the third day.” she said, changing into something hopefully more tasteful than the mess of feathers she was just wearing.

“What's today? Second day?” Alma asked.

“Second day.” Maria confirmed.

“Say, why didn't you want to have a bachelorette party? I love throwing parties!” Kat said, stabbing her cake repeatedly with her fork.

“Eh, I just don't want all the hassle of getting gifts I don't like,” she said, coming out in an even MORE hideous dress. “Hate it?”

“Hate it.” we all agreed.

“Good.” she said, slumping back into the dressing room.

“Dear, what kind of dress ARE you looking for exactly?” Marketa asked.

“Oh, something lacy and pretty and that will make me feel like a princess,” Maria said dreamily from the dressing room. “Trust me, money is not an object; I'll pay anything if it's beautiful.”

“Yeah, she's desperate, her wedding is in three days.” I said to Marketa, who looked a little confused at Maria's last statement. With that, Marketa nodded and walked off to get more dresses.

“So, when's your wedding, Kat?” AJ asked. Kat looked up from her cake surprised.

“What?” she asked with her mouth full.

“Yeah! Aren't you and Justin engaged?” she asked back. Kat waited a moment before answering to make sure she could speak clearly then nodded.

“Well, yeah, but we're in no hurry.” She shook her head.

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