Week 14 - Fallout That No One Knew About

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Song of the chapter on side :) >>>>>

Okay, so this one may be a little far-fetched, but whatever ;P Hahaha.


                                                             April 19th, 2011

                                                   “Totally Forgot About Him”

                                                                              Knoxville hotel room, in front of the TV, around . . . 6pm

“MUST we watch hockey tonight, Kat?” Justin asked as he brought in the popcorn she'd requested earlier.

“Yes! We're up against the Cunucks!” she said back, taking the huge bowl of popcorn from Justin and patting the spot on her bed next to her for him to sit down.

“And that matters to us how exactly?” I asked, taking a handful of popcorn as someone started to sing O Canada.

“Because I hate them and I want my Hawks to win, d***it!”

“You know we're gonna have to leave before the game ends to make it to NXT,” I reminded, my voice barely understandable due to the popcorn in my mouth.

“I know, I know. I just wanna get an idea of who's gonna win the game.”

As the game started, nothing really interested me. I'm a huge Blackhawks fan, but for some reason this game wasn't really drawing my attention to it. Couple good goals, nice saves, and then a jersey number that caught my eye instantly. 10. Where oh where have I seen that number before? I stared blankly at the screen, watching Number 10 skate across the ice as the second quarter ended.

“What's wrong, Kathryn?” Justin asked, noticing my blank stare as a commercial for shaving cream came on. Kat muted the TV and followed Justin's look to me. I turned slowly to the couple and smiled.

“Who . . . just happens to be a member of the Blackhawks?” I asked them, oddly and eerily calm.

“Patrick Kane?” -Kat.

“Marian Hossa?” -Justin

“IT'S PATRICK SHARP, YOU IDIOTS!!” I shouted, fed up with their stupidity that WAS NOT helping me at this moment.

“Ohhhh!” they both said in perfect unison.

“Yeah! OH!” I yelled.

“I CAN'T believe we forgot about Sharp!” Justin exclaimed.

“I know! I totally forgot about him!” Kat said, folding her arms.

“I know, so did I.” I said, slightly laughing as I leaned back on my elbows on the bed I was sitting on as I recalled Sharp drugging me into loving him.

“That was an adventure and a ha--” My heart stopped. I had TOTALLY forgotten about something potentially life-changing. “Who got drafted last night?”

Justin's and Kat's eyes widened and they both exchanged glances.

“Did we SERIOUSLY forget that the draft was last night?!” Justin yelled, standing up along with me and Kat.

“I know, right?” Kat said back.

“Something I've been worried about for WEEKS now and I freaking FORGET about it! I didn't even see who got drafted after my match with Kayla! I'm blind. I'm officially blind, I've DECIDED IT!” I yelled, rushing around the room, looking for my phone.

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