Week 4 - History Was Made, and So Were Impressions

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                                                                     February 14th, 2011

                                                                  “History in the Making!”

RAW LIVE!, #1 Contenders Match - Divas Championship (Eve Vs. Maryse), Denver, CO, around... 9:30pm

“Do you feel as though your title could be in jeopardy if Maryse comes out victorious in this contest? After Royal Rumble last month, and what happened just last week, she seems pretty mad.” asked Jerry “The King” Lawler, as I sat next to him on commentary with my title on the table in front of me. I looked down at my title, propped up on the table for all to see.

“Honestly, if I could come out on top of Maryse in those two situations without a challenge, then she shouldn't be a problem at Elimination Chamber. Plus, I'd much rather see Eve win this and become Number One Contender.” I said, my eyes closely locked on the match.

“What?!” exclaimed Michael Cole. “Eve has had her opportunities at the Divas Title before. And she WASTED those opportunities! Why should she be granted another shot? Tell me. Please, tell me. Tell me!”

“Maybe I COULD tell you if you'd stop talking and do your job: listen and be quiet. As to your question, despite her lack of experience in the WWE compared to Maryse, she can defend herself and pull off maneuvers that Maryse couldn't in her wildest dreams!” I threw back at the intense Maryse fan.

Okay, if you're wondering what happened last week, let me show you:

Last week on RAW in Miami

I was in a match with Maryse, and she was helpless without “Mel Mel” there to assist her. I dominated most of the match, until she got me in the eyes when the ref wasn't looking then faked an injury of the knee. She kicked me hard in the stomach with the “injured” knee and went for her French Kiss DDT. When she fell on her back I flipped out of the move and pulled her back around in to a clothesline. Thus ending the match after pinfall. I grabbed my title from the ref and he raised my hand. Maryse slowly got up and grabbed the microphone from Justin Roberts while outside. She motioned for me to come outside. I did so, thinking this would be just another time where I get to beat her *** down for leisure. She threw useless words and dry insults at me for about two minutes before I got fed up with it. I finally pushed her back in to the RAW GM computer stand thingy and she fell back on her head. She used the commentary table to help herself up. I decided to make a statement on her, so I backed up and hit her with a big boot in the face! She fell back on to Michael Cole before rolling on to the floor. I smirked and walked off with my title to the backstage area. Not without watching the replay on the titantron before hand, of course.

Back to this week

Eve was coming out on top in the match. She got Maryse positioned for her top-rope moonsault and got up on the turnbuckle. She flipped back and missed the moonsault when Maryse rolled out of the way. Maryse capitalized quickly and hit her with the French Kiss DDT. She floated over on her and pinned her. Her music blasted throughout the arena and she got on one knee, holding her midsection. She looked over at me with a smug expression. I nodded without saying a word. I took of my headset and picked up a microphone. I was about to congratulate her on her victory when the RAW GM thing went ding. I closed my eyes in frustration and dropped my arm down that had the microphone in it.

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