Week 12 - Of . . . COURSE

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                                                            April 15th, 2011

                                        “And Eeeverything's Okay! Please?”

          Friday Night SmackDown, Sprint Center (Kansas City, Missouri), just arriving, around... 7pm

SmackDown, being live this week, wanted some RAW people to come and do some stuff for them. Alex, Kat, Justin, and I were all called to come. It kills me that Kelly's on SmackDown, only because of the great joy of seeing her suck face with the man I'm still in love with. Thankfully they've kept that to a minimum as of thus far, but still. With all my personal life crap going on, I completely forgot about Kayla wanting my hide for a skin rug. I'm still pissed off at Sharp for drugging me, so It's not AMAZING that Teddy Long, oblivious to what's going on, invited him to SmackDown tonight, but it's brightening things up that Alex and I are okay now despite the cerebellum thing.

“You know what's amazing?” Justin asked, looking at his iPhone.

“What is?” I asked.

“That you can now talk to people without ACTUALLY talking to them!” he said, texting someone.

“I--” I started. I got a text from him. I raised an eyebrow and sent him back something with a smirk on my face. He read it and glared at me.

“Now, that's just rude.”

“It's better than having it said to your face isn't it?” I asked.

“Yeah.” he sighed.

“So, you guys okay?” Kat asked me and Alex.

“Yeah. No hard feelings.” he answered. I nodded in agreement with a smile on my face.

“Oh! Well, that's good.” she said. “So, Kath, what are your plans with the whole Kayla deal?”

“My plans? My plans are to not let her get to me. But, as we all know, my plans never go very well. So I'm just gonna skip that part and see if I can beat the crap outta her.” I said, slapping on a smile at the end.

“Huh, interesting.” Kat said. “So, I guess you're gonna let your anger come out all over Kayla?”

“Anger? If you mean the pent up anger directed towards my childhood cats that I had a couple years ago, then no. I've let that go.” I said, rather condescendingly.

“No!” Kat tutted. “Your... anger.” she said with more emphasis, meaning my anger directed towards Patrick and Alex.

“Oh! Oh, no. I'm not.” I said quickly.

“You sure?” she asked.

“I'm sure, trust me.” I said reassuringly. I didn't want to focus on guys at the moment, I need to focus on getting Kayla off my back.

Friday Night SmackDown LIVE!, Sprint Center (Kansas City, Missouri), backstage area, around... 8:30pm

“I am SO exited for the draft, aren't you?” Kat asked me while we were walking down the hall.

“No! I don't wanna be drafted to this rat's *** of a show!” I yelled back. Various SmackDown Superstars threw evil glares at me, but I didn't notice.

“Why? One of your favorite colors is blue, right?” she asked.

“Well, yeah! But I like red, too. And I'm not gonna compromise and make purple. ” I said back.

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