Week 25 - Something 'Bout Love

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Story of the chapter on side :) I love this song so much, you have no idea :3 >>>>>


                                               August 15th, 2011

                                                  “A Raw Deal”

WWE Monday Night RAW LIVE!, Honda Center (Anaheim, California), just arriving, around . . . 4pm

*Kathryn's POV*

So I worked out a deal with Hunter that I'll do a promo tonight and wrestle a return match next week. Writing the promo has really provided a good escape from what happened last night with Alex. We worked things out this morning and things are more or less okay. I'm still a little tense, but it's getting better.

“So,” Kat said, walking up next to me.

“So,” I said back, smiling a little.

“So what's the situation?” she asked. I looked over at her confused.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“With Chris?” she whispered, avoiding letting Alex hear that name mentioned. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

“There is none,” I said, looking straight ahead of me.

“Wait, really?” she asked, looking shocked. I nodded quickly.

“But didn't you two like . . .” She made a gesture with her hands that made me laugh.

“Yes,” I laughed. “But that was six years ago and I'm over him.”

“That wasn't what I heard you yell last night,” she said tauntingly. I rolled my eyes. “You know, if you keep doing that they'll stick that way.”

“Hardy har har, Kat,” I sighed, pulling out my phone.

“Whatcha doing?” she asked, looking over my shoulder.

“Checking the card for tonight,” I laughed.

Evidently, Alex would have a match against Dolph tonight, Punk would have a segment with Cena or some **** after winning last night—and then losing again. Ha Ha—then Kelly would have a match against Layla—oh joy—and then I'd have my promo after that, then John would fight R-Truth, and to close the show Punk and Alberto would do something. Sounds pretty solid.

“Why don't I have anything?” Kat whined as we walked into the arena. “I'm the Women's Champion, d***it!”

“You're on commentary during the Kelly vs. Layla match, remember?” AJ said.

“No, no one ever told me.” she said spitefully. I just laughed and sighed.

AJ, Kat, and I went into the locker room and got settled in.

“How long did it take you to write this?” AJ asked, looking at the piece of paper I wrote my promo on. I tutted and snatched it from her hands.

“A couple hours and it's none of your business,” I said, folding it up and putting it in my bag.

“Why?!” she said. “We're just gonna hear it in a few hours anyway! Why not just get it done now so we don't have to sit through the whole thing?”

I shot her a glare. “Why, thank you, AJ. Your devotion means millions to me.”

*Chris' POV; 5:27pm*

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