Week 13 - Dirty Little Secret

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Kayla's  theme on the side :) >>>>>


                                                                   April 18th, 2011

                                                        “Pancakes and Pussycats”

                                                                                      On a plane to Nashville, first class, around . . . 3am

“D***, he must've worked you hard on Saturday, huh?” Kat asked, referring to my obvious soreness. I've been sore all day Sunday and this is the first time they've brought this up . . . weird.

I was training. I swear!

“I don't think that's any of your business, and how long is this flight? You'd think that if they're making us go to one of the worst cities in America, they'd make it a short flight so we could get it the hell over with.” I said, trying somewhat to avoid the subject.

“One: we're on a connecting flight, SmackDown's being filmed in Nashville and we need to pick them up so we can save fuel.” Mike said from the seat behind me. “And two: answer the question, DID he—”

Okay, that's where the conversation went downhill. Let's skip forward, shall we?

“I KNOW that Alma likes it.” Mike started up again. Luckily, Alma was wired into her special-phone-that-plays-music-that's-not-an-iPhone-and-no-one-knows-what-the-hell-it's-called. “She likes it rough, I'll tell you.”

“Mike, please just stop.” I said beggingly.

“Why? You're not comfortable with your sexuality, are you? Not like gay or straight or anything like that, but your sexuality as in just . . . sex, you know?” he said back.

“I'm not uncomfortable with my sexuality, I just don't want to be slapped in the face with yours.”

                                                                                       Nashville, Tennessee, local iHop, around . . . 10am

Well, as Bethany promised, we went to the classiest place Nashville could muster . . . that being iHop. We weren't ambushed by fans this time around, which was pleasant, considering we don't like southern fans . . . they're clingy.

“Really? McDonalds is classier than this place.” Punk said, staring at the enticing, yet amazingly unhealthy, menu.

“Whereas that may be true, this was what was closest to the hotel.” Bethany said.

“I don't care, I hate places like this.” Punk said back.

“Shut it, Phillip, they're pancakes are awesomeness.” I said, defending the great iHop amazingness.

“Don't care.” he said blankly. Then . . . I spotted a jukebox. I managed to get Kat and Alma's attention and nodded over to the jukebox. We all walked over to it.

“What's up?” Alma asked. I smirked and stroked the clear glass top of the jukebox.

“I have an idea.”

“What kind of idea?” Kat asked.

“A prank idea.”

“What kinda prank?” they both asked in unison.

“A music prank.”

“What kinda music prank?”

Then, though out the breakfast, “What's New Pussycat” was playing. Or, it played 7 times and Punk was going crazy along with everyone else in the restaurant . . . except everyone else at our table because they were all in on it. However, after the 6th “What's New Pussycat,” we put in a Billy Joel song, which put Punk's mind to rest, so much so that he almost fell head first into his pancakes out of joy.

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