Week 24 - The Big Bang Theory

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Song of the chapter on side :) >>>>>>>


                                                              August 7th, 2011

                                      “Fast I'll Fade Away; Slow I'll Suffocate”

                                                                                            Airport in Chicago, just landing, around . . . 1pm

It feels so good to be back in Chicago, you have no idea. Although I like Hawaii, I LOVE Chicago. After the luau thing, we went back to our hotel in Honolulu and spent the night there. We flew out in the morning and just got back now.

“GAH! It feels sooo good to be back!” I said, stepping into the big, sunny, glassy airport lobby.

“Hey, guys, I'ma meet up with you at RAW tomorrow at Allstate, okay? I have some stuff to take care of,” AJ said, walking quickly ahead of us.

“For a day?” Kat asked. She turned around and weakly smiled.

“It's pretty important,” She shrugged. “Bye!” She waved to us quickly before walking down the glossy floor with purpose.

“Huh,” Kat said bluntly. “I guess we won't see her until RAW.”

“Judging by what she said, I don't think we will,” I said, shaking my head as we all walked down the floor and towards the exit. Alex put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

“You seem distant, you thinking some more?” he asked with an air of tauntingness in his voice. I glared up at him after I saw everybody turn their heads to me.

“No,” I said without smiling, even though he was. “I was not, thank you very much.”

“Youch, you tick her off AGAIN, dude? What'd you do this time?” Mike said, his arm around Alma.

“I did nothing,” he said back. “It was just a question, man.”

“Whatever you say,” Mike breathed as we walked out the front entrance. We started to walk down the front steps when I heard a peculiar “Click click” noise.

“Guys,” I said warily.

“Yeah?” Maria responded.

“Did you just hear—”


I felt an incredible, sharp pain in my stomach. I slipped on the steps and landed hard on my back and head. My hand went over my stomach as a reflex and I felt something warm and wet. My vision was blurry and I didn't feel anything but pain. Everyone crowded around me and looked panicked and scared. I couldn't hear very well and I couldn't make out the words people were saying. I felt someone slip something thick and soft under my head. I could see a blurry Maria struggle to yank out her phone and press a couple numbers on it; I knew it was her from where she was. I heard a couple people crying, a couple people—whose voices I didn't recognize in my hearing impaired state—screaming, and I heard hurried footsteps all around me. I felt someone put something soft over my stomach and apply pressure to it. I felt someone push hair out of my face with a shaking hand and kiss my forehead.

I happened to glance a ways ahead of me, using all my strength just to move my eyes, and saw a tall, black, blurry figure walk slowly across the pavement. I saw the figure slip something into his pocket, then walk away slowly. It looked like it turned its head to me for a brief second, as well. Then . . . black.

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