Chapter 57

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Me: Hey everyone

Gray: Hi

Lucy: What dares do you have today? I'm finally ready for them!

Me: That's a first but sorry, none of them involve you

Lucy: Eh....I practised all that for nothing?!

Me: Hehe yeah, sorry. Anyway, the first dare is from fairytailblackbutler. She dares Ichiya to jump off an extremely high skyscraper and try not to die. If he does, I get to do whatever I want with him

Trimens: Noooo! Our precious leader!

Ichiya: Parfume! I will not lose to you, Eden!

Me: *evil laugh* You will definitely die

Saee: I have this weird feeling that I know what she is thinking *shivers*

-Some time later-

Me: Come on, just jump off already!

Ichiya: But-

Trimens: Don't die, we believe in you!

Ichiya: *hesitates*

Me: *pushes him off*

Ichiya: *screams like a girl*

Me: Is he dead?!

Natsu: Yeah, pretty sure he is!

Erza: *eyes widen* Is this....the day I'm freed? Will he never come back? This is officially the happiest day of my life so far

Ichiya's ghost: Parfooome! I have come back to haunt you oooooo!


Trimens: *attempts to hug him but just goes through him*

Me: *pokes Ichiya's ghost*

Ichiya's ghost: *dies*

Me: Okay, now that that's all done. What should I do with the corpse of Ichiya?

Evie: *secretly draws on his ugly face*

Me: Evie, I'm supposed to be the one to embarrass him!

Evie: Do you really think I care?

Me: *grabs him and Saee then runs out*

Gray: What are they up to?

Natsu: Beats me, I'm off to grab some food

Lucy: Geez, how much can you eat?

Gray: Probably a mountain of food

Me: We're back!

Lucy: That was quick

Me: Hehe, anyway. We present to you, the new Ichiya!

Saee: *controls him like a puppet*

Ichiya: *'dances while wearing a tutu'*

Everyone: *laughs*

Natsu: *burst out laughing* What happened to his face?

Me: Oh, that? Well, I just got someone to do plastic surgery on him. It was supposed to make him look like a girl but guess it turned out wrong

Evie: But why does he look like he's uglier than before?

Me: Isn't it obvious? Because he's Ichiya

Evie: Right, reasonable enough

Erza: *laughs* Ha! Take that as payback, Ichiya!

Ichiya: *suddenly comes back to life* Did I just hear Erza's sweet voice?

Erza: *runs off*

Me: Why did you have to come back to life?!

Saee: I guess the potion started working then

Me: But it was supposed to work in about an hour! Why?....

Ichiya: *runs after Erza*

Me: I have a dare from Time_ReWriter. She dares Juvia and Meldy to have a reunion

Juvia: Meldy! *glares daggers at her*

Meldy: Juvia, please forgive me for that time. I was only doing what I had to do

Juvia: You tried to kill Gray-sama. Juvia will never forgive you!

Me: Pssst, Gray? I think you should stop her before she destroys the place

Gray: *sigh* Why is it always me?

Me: Uh duh, because she loves you and only you

Juvia: Come back here, Meldy!

Ultear: I think we should leave now

Jellal: Agreed

Juvia: You're not going anywhere!

Gray: Juvia! Stop! I'm not dead, right?

Juvia: Gray-sama?

Gray: *drags her away from them*

Me: Well, I guess that's it for now so I'll give out some dares

Lucy: But I thought we were going to Ryuuzetsu Land!

Me: *eyes sparkles* Really?

Lucy: Uh yeah, totally

Me: Yay! Let's go! *drags the whole guild to Ryuuzetsu Land*

Makarov: Well, I've always wanted to go on a holiday once in a while

Me: Okay, bye reader-chans, see you in the next chapter

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