Chapter 55

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Me: Hey everyone

Gajeel: Ugh, you're still here

Me: Is that a problem?

Gajeel: Er um no

Me: *eyes him suspiciously* Anyway, onto the first dare. The first dare is from xXFrankenHeartXx. She dares everyone to play cards against humanity.

Lucy: What's that?

Me: I....uh don't know actually. *panics* Oh great, I forgot to check it out, noooooo!

Evie: Geez, calm down

Me: No, I can't calm down! How am I supposed to do the dare then?!

Evie: Um.....don't do it?

Me: No way! *thinks of a plan to make up for it* Aha! I have an idea!

Lucy: What's the idea?

Me: *whispers it to her*

Lucy: *evil laughter*

Everyone: *gulp*

-Some time later-

Me: *laughing my head off*

Lucy: I thought I wasn't going to be apart of this!

Me: Well, now you are *laughs more*

Natsu: Wait, who am I again?

Me: Batman!

Natsu: Who's that?

Me: *facepalms* Anyway, you ready for what we practiced for?

Natsu: I guess

Me: *turns on the music*

Natsu: Na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na Natsu!

Me: *continues laughing*

Saee: What's going on here?

Me: Oh Saee! You've come in just the right time

Saee: I have a bad feeling about this

-Some time later-

Me: And fire!

Lucy: *is Pea Shooter and shoots peas at Natsu the zombie*

Natsu: *walks like a slow awkward zombie towards Lucy*

Saee: *shoots snow peas at Gray*

Gray: *stumbles then continues walking like Natsu*

Wendy: *gives off sunflowers to the plants*

Erza: *is the squash and jumps on Jellal*

Jellal: *'is dead'*

Minerva: *blocks the zombies' path as a walnut*

Carla: *is the jalapeno plant and causes the whole lane to go on fire*

(A/N): Anyone know what this is? 😏 And in case you were wondering, I haven't played this game for about 2 years

Lucy: What was that?

Me: A game

Lucy: Oh...

(A/N): I'm really sorry for forgetting about it xXFrankenHeartXx. Please forgive me!!

Fairy Tail - Truth or Dare (Mostly dares)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora