Chapter 24

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Me: Hi everyone

Natsu: What are we doing today?

Me: Just dares......I dare Lyon to-

Lyon: To see Juvia? Already done

Me: No, I dare you to stay-

Lyon: Stay with Juvia for the day? I'll gladly accept that

Me: No! I dare you to stay away from Juvia for the day

Lyon: But-

Me: *evil insane grin*

Gajeel: That look means danger

Lyon: *gulp*

Me: Instead of seeing Juvia, you get to be our clown

Lyon: What?!

Gray: *laughs*

Me: Go dress up now

Lyon: Grrrr *dresses up in an ugly clown costume*

Me: You could've found a better costume but this will look funnier, I think

Lyon: Can I go now?

Me: No, you can't, start your act

Lyon: *in a high pitched squeaky voice* Heya, wanna see my act? *juggles but the bowling bowls fall somewhere else*

Me: *giggles* He's an idiot to use bowling balls to juggle

Lyon: *squishes his red nose*

Me: Keep up the act *walks over to Lucy* Hi

Lucy: Hey, you know those um...vampires yesterday

Me: Yeah, what about them?

Lucy: Why were lots of girls fangirling over them?

Me: Because they look good, don't you think that?

Lucy: They do look good but I already have Natsu *blush* I mean....

Me: *smirks* Nalu!

Lucy: You like one of them, right?

Me: N-no

Lucy: Oh really? *raises an eyebrow*

Me: Um.......

Saee: Whatcha talking about?

Me: *idea* You like Shu, right?

Lucy: Which one is Shu?

Me: The one with the orangish blonde hair and blue eyes

Saee: *blush* Why are we talking about this?

Me: Evie!

Evie: What?!

Me: I dare you to eat a bowl of wasabi ice cream

Evie: Wasabi?!

Me: Yep

Saee: *shoves a bowl full of wasabi ice cream in Evie's hands*

Evie: *gulp*

Me: You'll be versing Natsu

Evie: Natsu?!

Natsu: I'm all fired up!

Me: 321 go!

Natsu: *starts eating*

Evie: .....Oh *eats it*

-Timeskip to after eating-

Evie: I...feel...sick

Mira: I'll look after you *helps her get to the infirmary*

Natsu: I'm the winner! What's my prize?

Me: Um....about that....we don't have one, but you could go on a date with Lucy as a prize

Natsu/Lucy: *blush*

Me: Off you go *pushes them out*

Saee: What are we gonna do now?

Me: Truths!

Everyone: *sits in a circle*

Me: Who's going first?

Saee: I'll go

Me: Okay......who's better, Ichiya or Bob?

Saee: Hey! That's hard

Gray: *laughs* Good one

Me: So.....

Saee: I don't know

Levy: How about we tell stories?

Gajeel: Is that all you think about?

Me: That's a good idea, who's first?

Gray: Can you go first?

Me: Well.......

Saee: Please

Me: .......

Gray/Saee: Pretty please with a cherry on top

Me: .......Fine


There was a legend about a mysterious fruit that could give eternal youth and beauty to whoever ate it. Many had tried to get it but none of them have ever returned and if they did - which is highly unlikely - they were unsuccessful.

A group of friends set out on a journey to retrieve this mysterious fruit. They had to go past active volcanoes, raging storms and demonic beasts. A few weeks/months later, they reached a scary looking cave. The eldest of the friends went inside first and if he didn't return in 1 day, then the next friend would go in. After a day, the eldest still did not return so the second oldest went. Another day went by and he didn't return. The youngest one decided to go. He went inside and found a warning. It read: Do not let greed take over or you'll be cast away to-. The last word wasn't there. The youngest went past the warning and found a whole cave of treasure. He isn't interested in this so he went past it. He had passed the test. There was a clip at the end showing what happened to the people that had greed take over them. They stole the jewels and treasure but were severely punished until they couldn't take it anymore and died.

-Story end-

(A/N): Sorry if it wasn't good

Me: How was it?

Saee: It was okay

Me: Well, reader-chans, see ya in chapter 25

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