Chapter 51

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Me: Hey everyone

Gajeel: Sup

Lucy: Welcome back!

Me: Sorry I couldn't update, my teachers kept giving me stupid homework

Natsu: *laughs*

Me: What?

Natsu: That sucks, lucky we don't have school anymore

Me: *grunts* A-anyway, I have a few dares from Time_ReWriter

Lucy: Is that basically the only reason you update?

Me: Yeah sorta

Kalie: Hey

Lucy: Hi

Kalie: I dare the exceeds to set up dates for their dragon slayers, Rogue preferably with me

Exceeds: Obviously with their ships

Happy: *sets up Lucy and Natsu*

Carla: *sets up Wendy and Romeo*

Lily: *sets up Levy and Gajeel*

Frosch: *sets up Kalie with Rogue*

Lector: Sting, I don't know who to put you with......wait! *grabs Evie and pushes them out the door*

-After their dates-

Me: So did you have fun?

Lucy: It was good....except for the part when Natsu decides to go off somewhere for half the time

Me: Haha

Levy: I think mine was better than Lucy's, we went to a park

Wendy: Romeo took me to a café

Evie: My date was annoying

Sting: Evie, please be my girlfriend

Evie: Er no

Kalie: My date was the best! Now, I dare Rogue to dump Luna

Rogue: Uhh

Kalie: I'll take that as a yes, you dumped her. I also dare you to marry me

Rogue: Um....isn't it a bit too early for that?

Kalie: Nup, I was the one that gave that dare

Rogue: *no comment*

-Some time later-

*wedding music playing in the background*

Kalie: *walks up the red carpet with Makarov*

Asuka: *infront of them throwing flowers*

Me: *does speech* Do you, Rogue, take Kalie as your lawfully wedded wife?

Rogue: I do

Me: Do you, Kalie, take Rogue as your lawfully wedded husband?

Kalie: I do

Me: I now pronounce you husband and wife

(A/N): It feels so awkward writing this

Rogue: *kisses Kalie*

Everyone: *cheers*

-After wedding celebration-

Me: Congrats Kalie

Kalie: Thanks

Jealous Rogue fangirls: Rogue-sama! You betrayed us!

Kalie: *turns off the lights then turns them back on*

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